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Thread: mk5 electrical issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    sydney, nsw

    mk5 electrical issues

    left a JVC headunit running when the engine was off (key in), then 1 hr later, headunit turned (maybe overheated?), then car won't start (with or without radio), pulled out the radio disconnected negative terminal at the battery, check the fuse and radio still good( tested out of the car for an hour and connected to a 12v power pack, no overheats). checked fuse panel on the side and all the 12v switched fuses have some burn marks on them but not blown opened. Could the battery drain by the headunit when the engine was off triggered an overload of current on the harness wires? all wires and factory harness between the radio and fuse panel looks normal (the harness ground is connected to the factory connector ground wire as the installer said the wire can handle 15A easily, no amps no sub in the car, just factory speaker with jvc headunit).

    I have done some research and many suggested that the radio should have grounded to the car body chassis so large current flow wont burn the wires.. looking at the burn/smoke marks on the fuses (all 12v switched) that could have been the case. got the car towed to a repairer and they suspect the car ecu maybe fried . any input will be greatly appreciated, its been over a week now and they are still waiting to swap and flash a new ecu to check... fingers crossed when the nrma guy tried to start the car hasn't blown any other electrics...

    starting to miss the golf now...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    sydney, nsw
    Thread Starter

    just a quick comment to add, a friend has suggested to check speaker and wires as well

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