I have an automatic MK5 (2.0FSI) Golf. I can't get the **** knob off to replace the Shift gaiter.
Looking online it seems very easy - pull out the shift button until it clicks and then pull up and the knob while pulling down on the gaiter. This doesn't work at all. No matter how hard I pull up it doesn't budge at all.
Anyone actually do this before ? Any other tricks or tips. ?
Start by unclipping the entire plastic gear surround and disconnect the wiring. Make sure you pull the plastic locking collar down so it's loose, it's on the shaft underneath the knob. Then pull the button out and make sure it stays out. I found it easier to pull the knob off when the car was in neutral, it can be quite difficult the first time and requires a fair amount of force.
Last edited by sebas_thefish; 02-02-2020 at 09:36 PM.