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Thread: Mark v r32 headlight damage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
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    Mark v r32 headlight damage

    I am about to do a long country drive, is there any need to look for headlight protecion, and are they plastic or glass, if I need to have them covered any suggestions and where can I have this done in the inner west of Sydney, your help would be very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Sydney, Australia
    If you are handy enough to apply paint protection film yourself on the head lights than the main auto stores (repco, supercheap, autobarn etc) should have film.
    There are head light kits available where you just cut out the size to your head lights, apply with soapy water and squeeze out the air bubbles.

    If you can't find the kits or a small roll of PPF then try any PPF supplier/fitter. They can cut and fit (for a price), takes about 1hr to do.

    The days of being able to find plastic head light covers have long gone.

    The main advantage of the PPF is to offer some protection from stone/rock chips. They won't save a head light from a major impact (like a roo). Todays head lights are made from plastic so any minor rock impacts will just chip at the head light not smash them like the old glass sytle of days gone by.
    Flipper Dog
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Mark v r32 headlight damage

    Car Care Products sell a temporary protection film which you can apply yourself. It’s designed for road trips etc where its only used for a short period of time.

    XPEL Tracwrap 4"x20' | Product | Car Care Products Australia

    Your headlights are plastic - every car since about the year 2000 have plastic headlights.

    As for product recommendations, ive used the xpel brand of paint protection film (the permanent one, not the temporary version) and its good quality.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 03-10-2022 at 04:00 PM.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
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    thanks very much for the info, I think I will be looking for someone to do this job, as I just will run out of time will let the forum know how I go tracking someone down to carry out the work

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