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Thread: Lock issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Users Country Flag

    Lock issue

    Hi all,

    So the other day I noticed my 06 Jetta's passenger door was not locking, while all the other doors were. Today I began to take the door apart to get to the lock, however before I did this I noticed a plug on the end of the door. Underneath the plug there was a red switch/lever, and when I push it inwards the lock works as it should for a few locks/unlocks before no longer locking. Also, when the lock button is pushed on the remote a noise can be heard in the door, even though the door doesn't lock. These two things make me think the lock isn't totally cooked, but could be wrong. Any help would be appreciated

    Last edited by MEL744; 29-12-2016 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Lake Macquarie
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    Door lock mechanisms are a common problem on the MK5 cars Michael.
    Only thing I can suggest is to remove the door skin and check it is plugged in properly.
    I was replacing my passenger side door lock mech a couple of years ago only the find that
    the wiring wasn't plugged into the mech properly.
    Re plugged it in and haven't had a problem since.
    MKV Sportsline Soot Belcher
    MKV Jetta FSI DSG

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks for your reply, however I think I have solved this issue (for now at least). All that I needed to do was push the red lever inwards then apply some silicon spray to the lock (no need to remove the door panel). Seems to be working okay for now so hopefully this may help others if this issue crops up as a first try before getting to the lock.

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