Version 13 is the latest, it will be released this month. Apparently it has been improved heaps from version 12. The bad thing it cost's around $370.....from whereis directly. VW will charge more.
I got the OEM SatNav in my VW V 2Ltr TDI 2005 and was wondering what the latest CD Maps version number is. Mine is version 12 and it does not have the M7 motorway around Sydney on it.
Is there a newer version available?
Last one was issued by VW free of charge which was great.
VW Golf V 2.0Ltr TDI
SatNav, Leather, SunRoof and loving it....until I got an original VW towbar and wiring harness installed....
Version 13 is the latest, it will be released this month. Apparently it has been improved heaps from version 12. The bad thing it cost's around $370.....from whereis directly. VW will charge more.
I (briefly) considered ordering my VW with the sat nav option, but when you consider that you can put a very good NavMan unit in for a for a fraction of the cost (that's what I did), I wonder why anyone would bother? The NavMan sits out of the way in the bottom right corner of the windscreen and does not obstruct the view at all. You can also take it with you in another car if needed.
The screen gives a clear "birds eye view" of the road ahead and clear spoken directions. The automatic "Back on track" feature also has saved me a few times when I took a wrong turn or needed to take another path than the one suggested. It has always gotten me there in the end.
This is not meant to insult those who've chosen the factory unit. I've never seen one in action. Do they work as well as a NavMan? I've heard stories of some who've been unhappy with the factory sat nav option.
2007 Tornado Red DSG GTI
Grinning from ear to ear!!
The intergated ones i have used in other cars deal with high rise buildings in citys and tunnels better. They have sensors connected to wheels and gyroscopes to dectect distance and direction changes while the GPS signal is degraded in the city or no existant in tunnels. The intergrated one look alot nicer and are alot harder to steal.
Having said that we didn't get the SATNAV option because i think it is better value getting a portable one. We just took my Navman to Melbourne over XMAS and it was great.
Navman have not released updated maps yet for my model navman
Navman have not released updated maps yet for my model navman
I'd be checking the NavMan website to see if there is a free update for your model.
2007 Tornado Red DSG GTI
Grinning from ear to ear!!
My VW SatNav has worked great since the day I got it. (Aug 2005)
It really works well especially in the city and amongst highrise buildings and in tunnels. Subie25L is spot on. It uses additional equipment to determine where you are and keep you on track. It looks great forming 1 part with the dash. But I do agree the price is over the top although cheaper then BMW, Toyota etc.
After I got the car I did think that I would have been better off had I kept the money. However, now that I have had it for 1.5 years I have to say I am glad I bought it. Just hope VW will issue another updated version of the maps soon, preferably for free like the last time.
VW Golf V 2.0Ltr TDI
SatNav, Leather, SunRoof and loving it....until I got an original VW towbar and wiring harness installed....
Nah - no fee updates for me, as i bought it just after the release of new maps at the end of 2005. And they have not release new ones to buy yet. Only the brand new models they are selling have the new maps.Originally Posted by Dr Spine
Probably wouldn't buy them this year anyway as there won't be enough changes to justify the $150+ price tag just for the M7 in Sydney and a few other place that i probably wont go.
We know a friend and whenever a new version comes out, and they get a new car with the SatNav upgrade, they give the disk to this computer brainiac that works there and he copies it for some people
Last edited by Triode Junior; 13-01-2007 at 11:30 AM.
Hi guys, I new to the site and have a 06 TDi Golf V.
I just bought an OEM sat nav to install into my car but I need the CD.
Today I got my new version 13 Whereis for my other car but cannot find out if it is compatible with the VW.
I was wondering if anyone knows which CD from whereis is required for the VW?
Probably not much help, but, the CD cover for my version 12 says it's for a Blaupunkt system. There's no more info provided.