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Thread: Just picked up my touch up paint from VW, now what?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Users Country Flag

    Question Just picked up my touch up paint from VW, now what?

    So I've just picked up some touch up paint from Ballarat VW for $29.40.

    Has anyone used this stuff before? I've only read about pen applicators before but this is a brush in a pot. Seems like it'd be a bit inaccurate when applying to small paint chips.

    Any tools/DIY tips that would make the job more controlled? or am I better off taking the paint to a specialist to apply?

    For info, the kit contains:
    -Black Magic Touch Up Paint 9ml
    -Clear Coat 9ml
    -Foam Square?

    (also first time attaching photos so I hope they've worked properly!)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Just picked up my touch up paint from VW, now what?-img_1153-jpg   Just picked up my touch up paint from VW, now what?-img_1154-jpg  

    Last edited by gle1234; 09-02-2015 at 03:54 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Brisbane, QLD.
    Users Country Flag
    They suck. Have patience and apply liberally. If you make a misstake you can wipe it off while still wet... I don't use that sponge, just a clean rag.. I dab it, but everyone is different..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Quote Originally Posted by The One View Post
    They suck. Have patience and apply liberally. If you make a misstake you can wipe it off while still wet... I don't use that sponge, just a clean rag.. I dab it, but everyone is different..
    Thanks The one, sounds promising! Do I need a primer of any sort for small chips? (painting noob sorry)

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