Afternoon all,
Girlfriends Jetta (110,000 kms) has started in recent times to make some clunks through the RHF over bumps. Not just any normal bump, but typically square-edged ones, such as manhole covers - rail lines - etc.
I've been underneath it, and it's definitely coming from the rack. WIggle the steering wheel left-to-right, and the RH side clunks, LH does not. Very noticeable in the tie rod, but not much through the rack body itself.
It's VERY low, but i'm not sure this has caused any ill-effects. Just makes it hard to work on
So, a couple of questions;
-Would this be common on the MK5 platform cars?
-Would it require any special tools to replace at home? I have the ability, but don't want to find myself halfway apart and unable to complete the job.
-Anyone done this before? Any preferred supplier? HSY type stuff? Genuine only?
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