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Thread: How to remove cylinder head? 1.9 tdi BKC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Melbourne, VIC
    Users Country Flag

    How to remove cylinder head? 1.9 tdi BKC

    Hey all

    Does anyone here have experience with these engines and can run me through removing the cylinder head? Particularly just the timing belt, I have the manifolds and fuel pump off already.

    This is a BKC engine. I have the workshop manual however its very general and covers a wide variety of engines, involves a swathe of special tools, and is overall pretty confusing.

    I'm not renewing the timing belt and tensioners, I just want the head off.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    from memory can just use an allankey or similar to turn the tensioner and take pressure off the belt.
    Didnt bother with any of the fancy tools when I did my 1.9 timing

    why wouldn't you replace the timing belt/tensioner etc while you are there? all the hard work is done if you are at the point of taking the belt off.
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Melbourne, VIC
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    from memory can just use an allankey or similar to turn the tensioner and take pressure off the belt.
    Didnt bother with any of the fancy tools when I did my 1.9 timing

    why wouldn't you replace the timing belt/tensioner etc while you are there? all the hard work is done if you are at the point of taking the belt off.
    Cheers, good to know. Belt and tensioner kit was recently done, it's only got about 10,000km on it

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