Your biggest headache will be DPF equipped models, with most DPF's clogging once at 150kms, and be well onto a second clog at 200-250kms, they become less efficient over time. They can be chemically reflushed though these days, as to how effective that is long term reamains to be seen.
DSG service history and the exact kms it was done at would also be paramount to me, DSG's are expensive to rebuild, and need correct oil and routine servicing. Realise too on a budget DSG oil - genuine is $50 odd a litre, about $35 a litre best price aftermarket, and serviced every 60 tho. It's an expensive service at t the dealer.
I'd find a car who's owner knows the benefit of BP/Caltex diesel fuel over cheap diesel, and has a good strong service history. At 220k my old GT TDI still felt tight as a drum, and they should go well over 300kms just fine, but it's the problematic bolt on's like EGR valves, DPF's fuel pumps and the like that can play up.
Pick a car, run it on the name brand diesels, and flush out the intake with some diesel specific upper intake cleaner. There is plenty of choice on carsales, so hunt around, and realise the difference between the 103kw and the 125kw in the real world, in stock form, is pretty small 0-100.
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