Diagnosing issues like this can be a long process once the coils and plugs have been eliminated as the cause. I like yourself find it difficult to believe all injectors at the same time decided to fail
The GT unlike the other motors were less prone to catastrophic engine failure which first began with signs of misfire faults before the Pistons and rings began to break.
I'd be very concerned to what you approve regarding service work if they gave you a response that once we replace the injectors you still may have issues! I wouldn't believe a word there saying regarding the injectors being the cause.
Have the carried out compression checks or leak down test?
Have they told you the injectors are blocked or are the injectors failing due to electrical issues?
Have you ever replaced your coils?
Did you replace your plugs at the 60,000km interval?
I would be ruling out all these before removing the intake manifold and checking the injectors.
And I'm sure some company out there can test the injectors for a small fee to completely rule them out or give you a definite answer if they are in fact faulty.