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Thread: Golf GT Sport TDI judder/misfire intermittent

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Golf GT Sport TDI judder/misfire intermittent

    Hi guys,

    first post here, but I'm stuck. picked up an 08 gt sport tdi about a month ago with 69k on it, got water pump and timing belt done 2 days after i bought it, since driving it the past few weeks, i noticed and its extremely intermittent, it feels like a misfire, sometimes it fairly light and barely noticeable, other times it feels as though the car is going to S*** itself (literally), i only noticed it at idle, but then the past week have noticed it also while driving randomly, took it to my mechanic, and asked him to do the air filter and fuel filter, since they were both supposed to be done at 60k but noticed they weren't once my partner had a look air filter. the DMF is on its way out and i will be replacing it within the next few weeks, but i dont think thats the cause of my issues, and every damn time i take it to my mechanics it runs PERFECTLY, as soon as i jump in the car and drive away it happens! even more annoying i have a mk4 1.6l which just had gearbox fixed (got it back a month later) with a similar issue which we cant find the source of either (thats for another day) so im stumped and since i dont know much (nothing at all) i dont know where to start. the previous owner mentioned she had something changed under a recall but cant find any info on it, and the previous owner doesn't have a clue.

    the only thing i can find with a similar issue is on a 2007 Octavia VRS TDI which has the same engine as mine (BMN)

    im thinking of just taking it to him and getting him to do the wiring loom, injector seals and bolts, just for giggles really, and seeing if that fixes it.

    any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Get it scanned for fault codes, at vw. Or I can scan it sometime, I live north of adelaide.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    east kurrajong, new south wales
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    Hows it going

    Unfortunately the description of your fault and not having driven the car itself means that it can be hard to say its one definite thing or not.
    Air filter and fuel filter can cause similar symptoms.
    The timing can also cause similar symptoms.
    If the issue is related to the injectors and the injector harness then there will be a fault logged in the control unit memory.

    Like i said without driving/feeling the concern and also seeing the car there is many possibilities and i wouldnt want anyone to have to spend money they dont have to.i see it too often people are suckered into paying for repairs that are unecessary. I can only suggest taking it to a vw specialists or dealer to get it looked at.

  4. #4
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    thanks for that, unfortunately im in melbourne, my mechanic is golf city here, no issue presents itself once i get the car to him. funny enough i dont think i have ever asked him if he's scanned for fault codes, maybe thats a good start, or maybe he has already, will call and find out in the morning, i did the fuel filter and air filter since they were supposed to already be done, and hoping this would also magically solve my problem.

    the idea of the injector seals and bolts comes from the 07 octavia and another golf gt with the same engine that had the same issue, and resolved it for both of them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Would get it properly diagnosed before you go down the $1k each injector + loom route.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sinagra, Western Australia
    If you need it scanned, just drop me a PM.

    Normally if it is an injector causing the issue, it will be abit more consistent in when it occurs. Have seen bad injectors cause a rough idle once hot before myself.

  7. #7
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    What would have been done under warranty would have been the injectors and loom, but you'd need to ask them to check.

    Weird that the DMF has failed so early. Is it DSG or Manual?

    Also try some of the Liquimoly cleaners you can put into the petrol tank. It may just need a good clean.

    Finally, drive the wheels off it. I have the same car and I floor it everyday. Mine's almost got 200,000km on it and it's never missed a beat.

  8. #8
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    I've asked the previous owner, and she doesn't have a clue, she said there was a problem, and that the dealership called her, a few months after purchase, im giving the dealership a call today so see if they can shed some light on it, i purposely bought the car to drive the wheels off it, and so im not driving the mk4 everywhere, and its manual, you can hear the marbles in the tin can on startup, my mechanic pointed the DMF failure out to me when i bought it, so i made sure i got it at the right price to cover my costs, and its a manual.

  9. #9
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    Yeah, good choice on the manual. Those gearboxes are tough as nails, as long as you treat them right.

    Might be worth getting a stronger DMF from somewhere like DarkSide Developments while you've got the box off. Up to you though.

    Even if the loom and injectors haven't been done under the factory recall, they will do it for free under warranty. If not, let me know and I'll send you a copy of my recall letter.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by benough View Post
    Yeah, good choice on the manual. Those gearboxes are tough as nails, as long as you treat them right.

    Might be worth getting a stronger DMF from somewhere like DarkSide Developments while you've got the box off. Up to you though.

    Even if the loom and injectors haven't been done under the factory recall, they will do it for free under warranty. If not, let me know and I'll send you a copy of my recall letter.
    i'm looking into options on the replacement DMF at the moment, just weighing up my options.

    car is out of warranty 08 model, so im not sure if VW will even do anything about it if it hasn't been done.

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