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Thread: Failed Air conditioning system

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Failed Air conditioning system

    So I recently just had a major repair job done on my car (05' FSI Golf 2.0).

    I had the air con compressor replaced, radiator replaced due to it having a hole in it which was leaking coolant, coolant reservoir replaced as it was cracked , oil filter housing replaced as it was leaking, and hoses connecting to all the listed components replaced due to them being cracked or split and also leaking.

    Now I have no idea how all of this happened.. Or how it all happened at once.. maybe my luck just ran out.
    However, my air-con stopped blowing cold air a few months ago and it didn't really bug me that much so I didn't get it fixed and I am wondering if that could have caused some of the other issues is broken bits of metal through the A/C compressor went through the hoses etc?

    I wonder if the two issues are some how connected or if this has happened to anyone before?

    The whole job cost me around $4,500..

    Not too impressed with the cooling system in these cars, this is my second coolant leak and i've only had the car for 8 months!
    Last edited by GolfMK5AT; 09-02-2016 at 10:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The A/C compressor failing like that is a known issue on these cars. The metal filings can pollute the rest of the system but I'm not sure if they would have been big enough to tear holes in hoses and radiators.

    My compressor failed and the metal just jammed up the compressor. It was replaced and the entire system flushed though and it was fine.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Radiator would hardly be leaking oil as its filled with water.

    Did you ever lift the bonnet to check what was going on
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Radiator would hardly be leaking oil as its filled with water.

    Did you ever lift the bonnet to check what was going on
    I was like "wait a minute?" but it's not the coolant.

    Title change to reflect the correct system.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Whoops my bad was meant to write leaking coolant not oil out of the radiator.. too many leaks I got mixed up

    Yeah I had a look as best as I could from both in the bonnet and under the car.. Could spot many leaks.
    Mechanic even kept the radiator to show me how bad it looked and it was nasty!

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