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Thread: Dual Mass Flywheel problem - help required (warranty)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Exclamation Dual Mass Flywheel problem - help required (warranty)

    Hi all,

    I would really like some advice from some of the more mechanically savvy forum members!

    With 3 days left on my new car warranty (MY07 MkV GTi) I put my car in for a warranty claim as the car was making a loud crunch noise upon start-up. I assumed it was the starter motor/ring gear and 1 week ago had the starter motor replaced. Almost immediately the noise came back and another service was scheduled at a VW dealership in Sydneys South.

    They have advised that the cause of the noise is excessive play in the flywheel, and that this could have been caused by spirited driving (by the previous owner - have had the car for a very short period). They advised that they would have to drop out the gearbox and inspect the clutch for 'fair wear and tear' to determmine if the excessive play in the flywheel was caused as a result of hard driving or reasonable wear (and as such coverable under warranty).

    Has anyone had this issue before with a MkV GTi?

    Is it likely that the clutch could have caused damage to the flywheel? or is it more likely that the starter motor would have caused the damage (which is what I currently am thinking)?

    They have also advised that it will be VW Australia who will determine the validity of my warranty claim, not the mechanic, and that their decision will be based upon photographs issued to them by the dealership. Does this sound like sufficient information to determine a claim like this?

    Its not a cheap exercise in the event they deem it to be a non-warranty issue, so I'm hoping to arm myself with as much information as possible in the event the verdict is not in my favour.

    Was hoping to join this forum under more positive circumstances. I hope that once this problem is resolved it will be exactly that!


    Last edited by Transporter; 21-10-2010 at 05:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Guest0608 Guest
    Sounds about right to me, the dealer is doing you a favour, at least they are warning you it might not be warranty before starting the job, vw will decide from pics for sure, most likely will be warranty in my eyes unless they find bad heat spots on the flywheel, then you might be out of luck.............vwtech

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by vwtech View Post
    vw will decide from pics for sure, most likely will be warranty in my eyes unless they find bad heat spots on the flywheel, then you might be out of luck.............vwtech
    In that case, It's a shame that it had happened to the second owner.

    JAY684, you have PM.

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