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Thread: Diesel Particulate Filters...

  1. #1
    mk5mayhem Guest

    Diesel Particulate Filters...

    Have been reading this scary article in a German magazine about the dangers of chipping the 2.0TDI Golf fitted with Diesel Particulate the added crap in the filter ("Russ" in German) cause the filters to eventually fry (literally) and in some cases causing horrible damage to the engine...
    For some reason I seem to think that these filters aren't fitted to our cars in Australia, or at least that this was the case with my model (03/05 built)...
    Can anyone confirm this for me? Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. #2
    brackie Guest

    Web source?

    Is there an online article on this? I'd like to read it. My TDI doesn't have a particulate filter (something it shares with trains, trucks, buses, boats, plant and machinery, generators and 99.9999% of other cars).
    I think you have to be careful when reading articles in magazines. The jounrno sometimes get a bit carried away. I like to see empirical evidence of their claims.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    I've read the same article - it was in autobild. I havn't been able to find it on-line on, maybe it's publised in the magazine first and appears online later.

    It's a well researched article, including engine bench tests of around 12 different chips, and highlighted how for example turbocharger operating temperature increased by 100 degrees etc etc. There were also examples of sad endings to some chipped engines. Most of the chips didn't live up to their claims in terms of increased hp and torque.

  4. #4
    brackie Guest

    Bench tests

    I like bench tests. As along as all other variables are properly contolled they're the best way of testing a single variable. Because I'm keen on chipping my TDI, I'd like to learn more. Can you guys give me some leads? (By the way, Peter, a 100 degree increase in turbo temp. isn't significant unless the turbo is at the upper limits of it's tolerances.)

  5. #5
    mk5mayhem Guest
    It is a well founded article, as was said by someone else, with bench-testing a number of different chips on the 2.0TDI....none of them reached the claimed performance figures....
    Autobild often tests chipped cars and usually raves about the improvements, so they are quite an established and reputable source of info...
    The problem with the turbo temps on the diesels, as said in the article, is that in standard tune they are already running at extremely high temperatures (close to the 'safe' limit)....and chipping often takes the temps above this limit...
    Due to emission laws etc. in Europe, pretty much ALL diesel engines in cars are fitted with Diesel Particulate Filters now, thus the reason for my question....however I thought due to our Government regulations, the Golf's were imported without this filter...that is all I am trying to confirm....
    I am concerned as I have already chipped my far (8 months) without any issues *crossing fingers*.........

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In Australian driving conditions it's very unlikely you'll have any problems. Driving at constant max speed for hours on end reveals any weaknesses! One of the pictures in the article showed a turbo that had experienced a meltdown. However, given the number of chipped cars around problems are actually quite rare.

    Here part of the annual inspection is an emmisions test (both petol & diesel), which includes running diesels at max rpm for a minute. At the inspection they ask you how old you cam belt is, then you have to stand behind the shield while they do the test. There is a whole shelf of specimens (broken pistons, rods and the like), these ones didn't pass the test...

  7. #7
    mk5mayhem Guest
    Thanks Peter...but just to confirm, you are not sure either whether our Golfs in Oz are fitted with filters??

    This would take care of my question altogether, since this is the actual single part that is causing these issues...!?

  8. #8
    brackie Guest

    Owner's handbook

    If you look in the owners' handbook it covers models with particulate filters, however it doesn't say whether Oz models are fitted with them. I know mine isn't. Best thing to do is check with the Help Line.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I looked it up on EKTA out of curiosity, seems for the 2.0 TDi it can have either a particle filter/cat combination or just a plain cat. The parts look different though, look at your exhaust pipe leading out from the turbo, if there is a oval shaped section about twice the size of the pipe (particle filer) followed by round section about 1.5 times the pipe diameter (cat) then you have a particle filter. If you don't have that first oval shaped section but just a plain pipe then there's no particle filter.
    Rgds, Peter

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Whats ETKA?? So not all 5th gen tdi's have particle filters??Would earlier released models (2005) be the case?? I have been hearing that running bio diesel in the new vw's isnt a good idea cause of the particle filter (VW's excuse). This is hot topic in another forum and some say its just scare tatics on vw behalf to stop people using warranty for poorly made fuel. But im not going to make a 30grand bet unless i know for sure. Im interested in being able to run the current TDI on bio and the only thing thats stopping me is this stuff about particle filters.


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