The DSG's can overheat on racetracks - perhaps thats all that happened?
Halfway through a skid pan driver training day at Mt Cotton today I noticed very clunky shifting between 1st and 2nd both up and down. Somewhat lesser accross other gears when not on the power. The problem is less evident under torque and in higher gears as I drove home up the highway.
Someone suggested a DSG flush???
Any ideas???
The DSG's can overheat on racetracks - perhaps thats all that happened?
It could also be showing some wear in the Mechatronics.
Hopefully an overheat because after the drive home it did seem to shift down a little smoother coming into the driveway. And it did go pretty hard all day.
Fingers crossed. Thanks Lucas.
It's getting serviced this week so if it's anything mechanical it just has to last the week.