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Thread: Burning oil smell fron engine bay mark v R32

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Users Country Flag

    Burning oil smell fron engine bay mark v R32

    After last service I have noticed a smell which is like burning oil never happened before inspection of engine bay and underneath car no oil leaks, I checked the engine oil level and noticed it was about half an inch over full would this cause the oil smell, if not has anyone have suggestions as to what might cause this problem thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    sounds like too much oil. this is not good and can cause issues.
    The worst is air bubbles in the oil caused by the crank splashing into oil pan at the bottom of the stroke, this leads to a reduction in lubrication.
    Excess burning off is what you have noticed so far, this is not good for the catalytic converter.

    Check the oil level when the car is cold, if it is a lot over the max mark then I would be draining some out.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
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    Thanks Just Cruisn good chance it could be the problem, cold it is about half an inch over will take the car back have them drain some out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
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    I have the oil drained so as to be on the correct level , like magic oil smell has disappeared, I have learned a valuable lesson and R32 owners need to be aware of this. I have my cars serviced at the same workshop for over 30 years and never a problem.

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