Sorted - it was the MAF sensor. Gave it a clean and all good
Just fine the timing belt in my 2007 2.0tdi on Sunday. It’s now down on power a bit - feels like the turbo doesn’t spoil properly till about 2700rpm, although it goes hard then. Pretty gutless up to 2000 whereas before it’d pull hard from about 1400. Its done 200km since, seemed normal yesterday (1st 100km), then lost power.
I’ve double checked timing - it’s still spot on (crank tool slips in and pins slide home nicely in both cams). It starts, idles and doesn’t smoke same as before. Fuel economy seems about the same but too early to tell.
I also change the coolant flange so had the air box out. Been thinking about a MAF sensor issue but unplugging it makes no difference - this indicates it’s not at fault?
What else could it be? I’ve double checked vac hoses. Could torsion values be out? Why would they be? Can you adjust these with ODB11?
Thanks for any help
Sorted - it was the MAF sensor. Gave it a clean and all good
For sure, I had a lot of expensive scenarios running through my head! Not a bad idea giving it a clean every second service or something.
Although, on the subject. I did find a crack in the resin. Whilst it’s still running ok I won’t change it but might have another on standby. Has anyone found an issue like this before? And does the Bosch number f00c2g2055 cross to a VW number?
Bosch probably make the MAF for VW. Parts like these are not made by VW: NEW BOSCH F00C2G2055 INTERNAL SENSOR INSERT MASS AIR FLOW METER ON SALE | eBay