Yeh, it's just me and the G/F, for the time being....
The kids, god forbid any should appear can go in her car...
If it's just you and the gf or wife then the 2 door is a super option. If however (like me) you'll have kids in the back regularly not having the extra 2 doors will probably drive you half nuts, I know it would me.
2007 Tornado Red DSG GTI
Grinning from ear to ear!!
Yeh, it's just me and the G/F, for the time being....
The kids, god forbid any should appear can go in her car...
Went and had a look at the 3dr today, and I'm decided on that, shame I got such ****ty service at the two dealer I went to today...
Another thing to think about is the 'B' Pillar is back about another 10-20cm or so. If you like to cruise around with the window down and doing the old 'GT Gutter Grip' and you're a big unit (6 foot or taller) then this is a big advantage as I have my seat all the way back.
I currently live in Fitzroy, I'm getting the name of a dealer that sold a mate a GTI, gonna go see him.Originally Posted by minigolf
Hello all, newbie here! I have ordered a 3dr GTI for my other half (due in May/June - xenons, DSG, etc), and I'm curious about the missing Euro no. plate mount?!? What's that all about then? I'm probably going to order Euro plates for it, but...Originally Posted by minigolf
You'll still be able to fit the Euro plate without the mount. It sounds cary, but it's not really, you just simply screw into the black snout.
Having said that, I do recall that some 3drs have been delivered with the mounts in place. It seems to be a luck of the draw thing maybe???
Because we don't have Euro plates in the ACT, it looks daft having a small number plate on a big black mount, fortunately our 3dr didn't have this problem.