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Thread: 2006 Jetta Manual TDi - Gear Oil change...... how much to use?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW
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    2006 Jetta Manual TDi - Gear Oil change...... how much to use?

    Hi everyone,

    I was hoping someone could chime in with the volume of gear oil I would need to add to a manual gear box (6spd) for my car. It's been leaking and I want to try some stop leak and check that there is enough oil left in it (I can't see it in the user manual).

    Apparently I have to do the full change (or at least empty out all of the fluid) to check the oil level (sorry if this is common knowledge).

    I've read online that 1.8L goes in; my local VW service centre said they "thought" it was about 3.5L; another service centre said "somewhere between 2 to 3 litres" and another local Euro parts place told me 2.3L.........I contacted VW head office who said they would find out and email me but no email yet...

    So after all of that I remain confused. Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but couldn't find it.

    Also, anyone had any success with using stop leak (I've got some Lucas brand transmission stuff I'm trying).

    Any help very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    east kurrajong, new south wales
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    Hey mate,
    1.8l is for the gearbox oil on the 7sp dsg gearbox.
    Around the 3l mark sounds about right. There is an inspection/ fill plug.
    The reason you are having dramas funding the info is because the service schedule does not have a schedule for gear oil change.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks mate. The info I found was from a US site so maybe it doesn't apply to mine:

    manual transmission gear oil change: mk5-mk6 TDI | VW TDI forum, Audi, Porsche, and Chevy Cruze diesel forum

    The VW TSB links in that specify 1.9L.

    Cheers for the help.

  4. #4
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    Re the inspection / fill plug the link in my previous post suggests that I can't simply use this due to the fill plug being lower than the top of the oil level when the car is level ........ perhaps that also doesn't apply to mine

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Big thanks to piper26 who went above and beyond to find out gear oil volume for my car (2.3L).

    Cheers mate.

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