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Thread: 2.0 FSI Poor idle when cold

  1. #111
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    Hi mate, good news! I believe I have found the MED 9.5.1 Funktionsrahmen for the 2.0 FSI Golf. Had to register for a somewhat dubious forum that was all in Spanish, but got there in the end. Here's the link.

  2. #112
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    Also, another update on the smooth 1200rpm idle. Today I started it and got the 1200rpm 80s smooth idle, the tank was half full and the car had not been started in about 3 days. So maybe fuel level is not related?

  3. #113
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    Your your Google foo is impressive the best I could come up with was offering to transfer euros to a dubious Ukrainian !

    I’ll get to work on it. (My wife hates this car )
    It’s interest that parts of the FR are in English this one appears to have a lot more than the 9 in it is just random paragraphs..

    Thanks for that

  4. #114
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    That’s the bizarre thing about this issue it can be there constantly then one day it’s ok and the next plays up again.
    From the section I was working on last night I got the impression that there is some parameter when the engine is shut down that is taken into account the next time the engine starts. I’ll scrap what I was working on and jump into the new document tonight.

  5. #115
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    No problem! Hopefully the translation goes well. I was giving that section a quick read last night, definitely sounds like something worth looking into.

  6. #116
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    I cant express how excited I was to see you found it

    I got stuck into it last night and got the Index done, it appears to be quiet different to the MED9 one I was starting to do so Im glad I didnt get too far into it.

    Ive created a github account and will put the files I do there, that way others can more easily access the files and contribute to the work.

    GitHub - saabman/MED9.5.1: Translation of the Bosch MED9.5.1 Funktionsrahmen to English

  7. #117
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    Looks to be going well, good idea to use GitHub. Will be happy to do some translating after exams and brush up on my German at the same time

  8. #118
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    Hook into your exams, my daughter is busily working on her final essays and exams for her degree before starting her masters this year.

    I’ve got one section nearly finished just need to tidy up a diagram but - I’m not finding what I want yet I was hoping the FR would indicate memory map to help identify maps and variables but it doesn’t (well not that I’ve found).

    I’m really keen to find what the parameters are that trigger the high idle but so far no luck. I don’t know if that information will be ultimately useful but I’ve chosen that as a starting point. It’s the first thing that happens when the engine starts so i figured I could I’ll work from there.

  9. #119
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    This translation process is slow going but nealry finished another section shuold have it tidied up in the next day or so and ready to post.
    Its BBKH 3.20.2 Betriebsbedingungen Katalysator Heizen BDE

    which is the operating conditions of the catalyst heating.

    which seems to be the bit that is related to this high idle/ late ignition required to heat the cats up quick. Ive still got to work through it but it appears that the the requirement for heating comes from a combination of air temp, engine temp, time since the engine was started, the ageing of the O2 sensors and the ageing of the cats. The cat ageing test appears to be blocks 44 and 46 (basic settings)

    I dont have much more to go on than that at the moment but if your interested in having a look at those values it might shed some clues. I believe that you need to do the O2 sensor ageing test before the cat ageing test.

  10. #120
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    BBKH 3.20.2 operating conditions of the catalyst heating is now up

    GitHub - saabman/MED9.5.1: Translation of the Bosch MED9.5.1 Funktionsrahmen to English

    I make no appologies for any translational issues - I just throw it at Google translate 5000 characters at a time and then try and format it in some sensible fashion - if youve ever used google translate to do a block of text youll understand what I mean.

    If anyone has a listing of MAPs and their memory locations it would help greatly as the FR only contains variable names and not the actual value - ie something happens if the inlet temperature (tans) is TDIFKH above engine start temperature (tmst) (| tans - tmst | <= TDIFKH)
    but the FR doesnt tell you what the value of TDIFKH is. which is understandable as that would depend on the programing of a particular model in a particular climate. so you need to have a copy of the MAPS to determine the actual value.

    now to pick the next one.....

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