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Thread: Where are the SKODAS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Where are the SKODAS?

    After SO MANY months of Skoda having been launch in Oz, I still have NOT SEEN one on the road!

    I don't know what the story is but I do about 3 hours of driving on the road everyday and I have not seen a single Skoda on the road? Be it a Octavia or the roomster.

    When I was in Spain some months ago, they were everywhere. Every second Taxi was a Skoda Octavia. Ok, I exaggerated, it was every third Taxi but you get the idea.

    I think Skoda Oz can and should pay us to do some extra journeys everyday to give them more exposure.

    Are they shifting enough volume? Hmmm... I hope this changes soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I saw one yesterday near Adelaide Airport, a red wagon. Not seen any others that I can remember, other than on the forecourt of the dealers.

    In contrast on the way home after work I saw 3 R32s, 2 mk4s and a MK5. Very common compared to the Corrado that I was in at the time.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Since launch I have been looking out on the roads of Melbourne every day.
    Saw an Octavia Wagon with NSW plates.Am sure it was a Skoda press car.
    A few days ago I saw a Black-ish Roomster,with a Bayford Skoda sticker on the rear window.
    It had the latest W local plates on it.
    But that is it.
    Plenty of new VW s...all models.
    I dont think Skoda was a threat to VW sales.
    Before launch it worried me a little bit.
    Who is buying them,where are they,and who are they taking sales away from...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Oh,the Octavia was a White one.

  5. #5
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    Oh, completely forgot, there were loads of wagons supporting the tour down under last month. Must have been 20 I reckon, all in a row.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Angry Saw few Skodas here, and havent been looking...

    Saw couple of Skodas here in Perth. One red one back in November (!!!) in Fremantle and another Octavia, this time wagon around western suburbs. Really , you should not be expecting seeing them really. Two reasons: delivery times (I ams still waiting for mine, three weeks down the track, so there may not be more than 100 Octavias on the road) and probability you gonna see one. How many cars are on the road - 3-4 millions? That make about one in 30000 cars. How many cars you gona see?

    Talking about VW sales. I got told by a friend of mine that diesel golfs are sold out here and delivery times are blowing up to two months or more .

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Besides the two Octavia 1.9TDIs parked in my driveway and excluding dealer demos, I have crossed paths with just 1 Roomster. There must be others out there but I am yet to see them.

    Update: Last Wednesday spotted a Blue Octavia RS Wagon traveling southbound (opposite direction to me) on Albert Street in Preston, Vic. Today was behind a silver petrol Roomster heading north on Hoddle Street in Clifton Hill, Vic.
    Last edited by GDG; 06-05-2008 at 10:03 PM. Reason: Update

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I've only noticed one Skoda "in the wild" around Canberra so far, and that was a bit of a cheat because I asked the owner to bring it over to my place so I could see what a Race Blue Octavia RS wagon looked like in the metal (quite nice, actually).

    Of course the Octavia tends to blend into traffic a bit, and so far the Roomster hasn't been selling in big numbers. I'm doing my bit to help Skodas stand out a bit more by ordering a yellow Octavia (but I noticed 3 new bright yellow cars in my gym carpark this morning, so maybe yellow is becoming popular again )

    I hope Skoda sales numbers do pick up, otherwise resale values will tank dramatically, leading to a downward sales spiral (think what happened with SEAT in Australia not so long ago). I think VWA probably set their Skoda price points a bit high here (compared with the price differentials in Europe), probably to prevent Skoda from cannibalising VW sales.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDG View Post
    Besides the two Octavia 1.9TDIs parked in my driveway

    Is there a pulse doctor? f*** me what do you drive that's fun?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Adelaide Hills, SA

    I kind of like being the only Octavia wagon vRS in SA

    From what my dealer told me there have been quite a few sold here in SA, mostly diesls and 1.8TFS'i so far.

    As far as what I have seen.. only one other so far, and thta was one of the Tour press cars.
    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold

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