My sound deadener has arrived, it's not Dynamat Extreme but I was on a budget, $70 bucks including shipping for 1.95sqm.
Total spent for this project is $159 for anti-drum (deadening), insulation foam and install kit.
Inspected the boot area for plan of attack and little bit of vacuuming as well, the problem that I can immediately hear is the area right behind the rear seat. Skoda has 'generously' included a layer of sound deadening for that particular area, however bang it with your fist and it sounded very similar to a drum, a rather loud one. I managed to muffle it by sitting on top of it lol.
I've used Dynamat Extreme in the past and RAAMat as well, if you have the budget stick with Dynamat Extreme, they are the best. The foil on the Dynamat is very thick and can easily do a lot of damage to any of your flesh, plus the black stuff will stick to EVERYTHING, clean or dirty.
The one I just bought from for the Octy has a very similar feel to RAAmat, perhaps slightly stiffer. Hopefully it will do the job as our car is pretty decent to start with.
I've downloaded db meter app for my android phone, will let you know the result.