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Thread: Washer fluid questions

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Adelaide, SA
    Users Country Flag

    Contents of washer are only really important if you live in an area where freezing temperatures occur.
    Other than that my wife loves the smell of the 'proper Skoda' washer fluid.
    For those who like to give into their ocd then distilled is better than tap water but I settle for water from my reverse osmosis water filter which has 99% of everything removed.
    Tap water has too many nutrients so can promote algal growths.
    Dishwasher fluid has too many salts and can promote rusting. The same reason you should not wash the car with it.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    From memory VAG have some issues with their jets or something which is why they are the only ones that care about the fluid, no other company here does. Its cheap enough to just use genuine really. I never have to top mine up, what they do at the service once a year lasts me the whole year.

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