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Thread: UEC (Upper Engine Cleaner) where to put it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    UEC (Upper Engine Cleaner) where to put it?

    Hi all,
    Im new here. Recently I have bought a 2008 VRS Occy with 39,000km on the clock.
    Im not very good with Skoda's yet having come from a worked Subaru Forester XT and previous to that a Swift and Toyota's but Im learning.
    I have 6 cans of UEC (upper engine cleaner) and I would like to use it on my engine.

    My question:

    How can I get it into the manifold? it needs to be past the intercooler and in the inlet manifold somewhere.

    Thanks for you help in advance.


  2. #2
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    try the brake master cylinder vacuum line

  3. #3
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    Thanks I will have a look tonight.

    While I have a knowledgeable person here, is there anyway to adjust the clutch. The take up seems very close to the floor and I would like to lift the pedal a bit

  4. #4
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    ohh im no expert sorry

    mines DSG, never seen a manual octavia. if its cable, there is probably an adjustment on the link to the transmission. maybe one at the pedal. if its hydraulic, there should be a threaded adjustment at the pedal.

  5. #5
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    I remember reading somewhere that the clutch is hydraulic... I think it was in a thread about disabling the "Press clutch to start" safety feature (which can't be done because the clutch position sensor is in the hydraulically controlled clutch unit!)

    EDIT: Wow! Thats some low km's!... I picked mine up on the 23/12/11 and its already at 41.5k!
    Last edited by Mysticality; 28-11-2012 at 11:27 PM.
    2012 Octavia vRS TDI. Darkside big turbo, 3bar tune, other stuff. 200kW/650Nm.
    1990 Mk1 Cabrio. 1.9 IDI w/ 18PSI.
    1985 Mazda T3500 adventuremobile. 1973 Superbug. 1972 Volvo 144 in poo-brown.
    Not including hers...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Camden NSW
    yep...that sounds like a great buy!

    Very low kms!!!

    Was it even driven??

    Does that "upper engine cleaner" really work???
    2018 Ralyee Green RS wagon. Fully optioned.
    Previous vehicles:2015 Volvo V60 Polestar (my one detour from VW/Skoda!)
    2013 Platin grey RS wagon / 2012 White Polo GTI / 2009 Black 125 Tiguan

  7. #7
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    It wasnt driven very often. Im pretty lucky and the guy has really taken care of it.

    The UEC made a big difference on my last car the amount of crap that comes out of the tail pipe is testament to that.
    The subaru's really need to be done every service because they are prone to carbon deposits on the valves.

  8. #8
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    used the upper engine cleaners on a few cars, all gained (back) some midrange.

    direct injection cars should use them each service due to oil deposits on intake valves as there is no fuel flowing over them to wash them clean. this stuff works wonders and its cheap.

  9. #9
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    What about using them on a diesel?? I've heard yes and no that they can be used. I know the VW diesel motors have the dreaded re-circ system on them and oil up in the intake/turbo/intercooler. Mine now has 75K on it and i'm thinking of ripping it apart for a good de-oil before fitting the provent200 catch can.........

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazag View Post
    What about using them on a diesel?? I've heard yes and no that they can be used. I know the VW diesel motors have the dreaded re-circ system on them and oil up in the intake/turbo/intercooler. Mine now has 75K on it and i'm thinking of ripping it apart for a good de-oil before fitting the provent200 catch can.........
    In the diesel engine, I suggest that you use the product that is designed for the diesel and make sure that you follow the instructions that came with the product. The Provent200 does very good job in removing the oil from the intake and you get minimum soot deposited in the intake, which is from the EGR.

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