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Thread: So, what's on your wishlist..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Adelaide Hills, SA

    Smile So, what's on your wishlist..

    It's OK to dream and besides, I like to personalise my cars to make them a little different...

    Here's my (wish)list for the vRS when she arrives: (in price and therfore priority order)

    0. Debadge rear hatch. (Octavia badge and any dealer stickers. vRS can stay) ($0)
    1. Phillips up-rated bulbs. Extreme or similar ($40)
    2. Clear lenses for indicators. Silvervision. ($30)
    3. Milled aluminum rings for climate control switchgear Ebay ($20)
    4. L&K interior LED lighting to door handles ($30)
    5. Bluetooth phone install (integrated to MFD and SW) ($200)
    6. Ferrodo DS2500 pads ($260 pair)
    7. Koni FSD shock absorbers ($700 4off)
    8. Oettinger Stage 1 chip for 173kW/340Nm or Revo Stage 1 for 195kW/400Nm ($1,500)

    What else have others on their minds?

    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    ivanhoe vic
    RNS 510 System with Sat / Nav etc
    18 Inch Rims (see below)
    Koni Struts / Springs
    APR Flash
    US Sports Seats for the Front.

    or trade for an R36 hehehehe

    (not much hey)
    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    20" chrome vaults
    6 15" subs
    4 Mono Amps
    8 sets of Splits
    Candy Apple red paintjob
    3" HKS turboback
    Snakeskin interior
    NOS kit
    Passat 1.8T K04 | Audi A3 1.8T | Bora 4Motion

  4. #4
    gpk_gti Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by 1DUB2C View Post
    20" chrome vaults
    6 15" subs
    4 Mono Amps
    8 sets of Splits
    Candy Apple red paintjob
    3" HKS turboback
    Snakeskin interior
    NOS kit
    hey ray,the guys are talking about wish list on SKODA!!! when did your passat become a skoda............

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    1 Have fun.
    2 Remap to 180+Kw (maybe).
    3 Keep my car licence unblemished. Not booked once in 37 years of car driving, but don't ask about motorbikes ! I won't say I never speed, but I am pretty cagy about where and when and how much
    4 Matt black treatment for wheels, chrome surround on grill and roof rack (on a Sprint Yellow wagon).
    5 High beam HIDs (Xenons) to go with the factory low beam ones.

    Anyone notice the possible (probable ?) difficulty with 1+2 NOT= 3 ?
    Last edited by gregozedobe; 31-01-2008 at 11:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Adelaide Hills, SA
    Thread Starter
    No problem at all Greg, afterall we will only be waking up the TFSi to unlock some of that potetial. JUst because the powers there, dosent mean you need to use it all the time.

    I have noticed that the vRS is very quiet, so there may need to be some work done there tooo at some stage (no im not a boy racer, but i do like to hear something of whats going on to compliment the nice induction noise)

    Oettingers chip is supported by VAG , so no warranty issues there..

    Oh, add another:
    Green Cotton panel filter.
    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold

  7. #7
    gpk_gti Guest
    Hey danSA,,is there a middle silencer (large box part of the exhaust just under the back seats)on the skoda????
    Last edited by gpk_gti; 01-02-2008 at 08:32 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I'm going to be a bit of a wet blanket here, sorry......... (but these are only my opinions, you are entitled to yours).

    Quote Originally Posted by DanSA View Post
    Oettingers chip is supported by VAG , so no warranty issues there..
    I'd need to see something pretty convincing in writing from VWAust before I'd go along with that provocative statement I am aware that VAG and Oettinger have (had?) a cosy relationship, but not that they were THAT close.

    So far I haven't heard of anyone getting anything like a clear-cut statement from VAG that their warranty would cover everything after a reflash. Also think of the implications of asking VAG for that sort of a statement if they say "No". Now they know you are at least considering flashing your VAG car, so they might look very carefully at any engine-related warranty claims from you in the future - I know I would if I was in their position.

    I would also look very carefully at all the fine print in any warranty documents offered by the software suppliers.

    The general consensus seems to be that if you are concerned about problems and warranty you probably shouldn't flash your car's ECU. I don't intend to reflash my wagon until it is out of warranty. But almost everyone LOVES the performance after reflashing.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanSA View Post
    Green Cotton panel filter.
    Again, I can't agree. I'm not so sure this is a good idea for the health of your engine (may sound rortier though ). Some of the US TDI forum info makes it pretty clear that they believe the OEM VW air filters are superior to ALL the aftermarket ones, and even that once an air filter is installed it should be left alone (even just checking on them once can cause the seal to leak and let dust etc into your motor).

    IIRC some of the issues are oil interfering with the MAF sensor, not filtering as well, filter material coming off the body of the filter.

    If you are looking at reports from the UK keep in mind that they don't have anywhere near as much dust there as we have, and dust contains a lot of silica, a prime wearing agent for anything mechanical (especially mixed in with oil to make a nice abrasive paste).

    All that being said, it is your car and your wish list. I just wanted to be sure you were aware of some of the possible issues when modifying, as suppliers of aftermarket gear are in the business of selling you stuff to help them make a profit, not telling you about potential problems.
    Last edited by gregozedobe; 01-02-2008 at 08:06 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gpk_gti View Post to know your secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not once in 37years???
    Well, actually 38 years if you count the 12 months I spent on L's

    It's not rocket science (just mostly boring). Some of the things that contributed are:

    1 Don't speed very much at all (told you it was boring). Cruise control helps, as does self-control.

    2 Keep an eye on the speed limit, especially around town and if any children are about. If you aren't sure, assume it is 50 or 60, not 80.

    3 Never speed at roadworks (but you are allowed to accelerate HARD back up to the speed limit at the end of roadworks).

    4 (this is a biggie) Control your speed on long downhills and going over crests (these are favourites hunting places for the boys and girls in blue).

    5 Allow other people to overtake you if they are travelling over the speed limit (they can act as an attractant or lure so you don't get booked), and don't force your position if some *****head insists on pushing in when 2 lanes merge .

    6 If you know where the popular speed cameras and radar gun sites are, use that knowledge (ensure that you aren't speeding there).

    7 If you are going to speed, almost deserted roads are better than busy ones (no potential customers = no cops), similarly uphill is good, downhill is bad.

    8 If you want to give someone a drag, check out there aren't any cops in the vicinity (including unmarked cars) before starting, and back off when you hit the speed limit anyway (and don't spin your wheels, it attracts too much attention).

    9 Never speed by more than about 25Km/h over the limit (again, attracts too much attention).

    10 Have a quiet exhaust system so you can floor it it without making any noticeable noise (again, a noisy exhaust attracts too much attention).

    11 Drive smoothly and keep a low profile, (change lanes gently, don't tailgate, give others lots of room, anticipate traffic ahead). Basically you don't want to attract any attention due to the way you drive.

    12 Some luck (sometimes I should have been booked, but the cops weren't paying attention at the crucial time or whatever).

    13 Look like a respectable, law-abiding citizen (being old and grey helps there) with a quiet, unmodified car.

    14 Don't regularly speed in the same place at the same time (if it annoys someone they might dob you in and you will be an easy target).

    15 Don't get involved in any road rage stuff (especially if you are the one who are angry - you will do something stupid and attract attention). Stay calm and rational (you will make better driving decisions).

    16 Be extra careful when driving on roads that are known to be good "driver's roads" (ie where it is fun to speed and lots of people do).

    17 Learn from your mistakes - if you have a particular weakness (eg speeding up gradually in a 60 zone) do something to conteract it (eg set your speed warning for 61 )

    18 Don't assume your speedo is (for example) 6 Kmh slow unless you have good evidence that it actually is (and someone on a web forum saying their similar car is, is NOT good enough evidence)

    19 Be especially vigilant if there is a particular lot of unusual traffic around (eg bikes going to Phillip Island or Bathurst, lots of vehicles leaving a big race meet, drags or similar), as these are often popular occassions for extra special police attention.

    20 Never run a red light (it is way too obvious and attracts too much attention).

    21 Strange road markings may be used by cops to time you (including from an airplane above that you don't eevn know is there)

    22 Drive safely (that will cover much of the above). I don't think the police will get too upset about me giving this advice, because as well as not getting booked for speeding this stuff will help you avoid being involved in accidents as well. In this period I've never had an accident either (except for one bloke who backed into me in a car park when I was stationary )

    Of course for a lot of those years traffic was lighter and police were under less pressure from politicians to raise revenue from speeding. It is much harder these days not to get booked. I actually get a peverse sense of enjoyment from going through a sneaky hidden speed trap sitting on the speed limit (as if I have outwitted them somehow, if that makes sense)

    Hope the above helps some of you reduce your unwanted financial burden and points score And I hope I haven't jinxed myself by publicizing this feat

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Adelaide Hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk_gti View Post
    Hey danSA,,is there a middle silencer (large box part of the exhaust just under the back seats)on the skoda????
    Not sure mate, will be able to tell you next week hopefully. CanberravRS may br able to tell you.
    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold

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