My understanding is that the Occy tow limits set by Skoda determine what HR can and can't put on the car. Skoda don't rate the Occy for HR's 50mm hitch. They only rate the Occy for the 40mm hitch (lighter ball weight and unbraked towing capacity).
This is what HR would only install on my Occy
Reese Light (RL) Towbars Class 3 - Reese Light (RL) Towbars Class 3 - hayman reese
Most larger vehicles get this HR installed, which is the 50mm hitch which is what most if not all hitch type bike racks fit.
Heavy Duty Towbars Class 4 - Heavy Duty Towbars Class 4 - hayman reese
And the HR webiste confirms that the above light towbar is the only part they will sell/install for the Occy.
Hayman Reese - 02729RLW - haymanreese