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Thread: Skoda owner?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Skoda owner?

    Been looking at a MY10 103 TDI and really liked the feeling that it would be an expensive luxury car but without the price tag.
    It ran well but it really sound like a diesel which I do not have a problem with.
    Wonder if it is worth waiting for MY11 model which get Sat Nav and Common rail system?
    Is CR so much better?
    Anything I have to look at when I go to the dealership a 2nd time for a more thourough inspection?
    Everyone seems to be happy with their purchase on this site which is a good sign.
    When I was in Czech Republic a few months ago every 2nd car was a Skoda and all of the cabs I saw were Skodas as well, they can not all be wrong.
    I thought about a 118 TSI first but gave the diesel a go and kind of liked it and if it does consume below 6 l/ 100 km average with all that torque it would be great.

  2. #2
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    Sep 2009
    Check this thread about the DSG Scout for an explanation of the benefits of a common rail diesel. In terms of reliability I doubt that you will notice a difference between the two so I guess it boils down to what sort of deal you can get and whether you are happy.
    My Škoda photos here

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  3. #3
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    I looked at diesel & loved the torque but decided the limited powerband would drive me bonkers. Went 118TSI instead & remapped after 12 months - now have best of both worlds.

    I always like the idea of the latest model but if you can get the "old" model at a fantastic price then go for it.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I thought all the Octys were CR already, and it was just the Scout that wasn't? I know the RS diesel is CR...

  5. #5
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    Yes the RS is CR and the normal Octys will become CR as from MY11.
    Would have not mind to test a manual 118TSI (I`m a manual person) but there are not many around, same goes for the diesel it is just that the dealership had the 103 TDI to try, I already been to VW and tried the turbo/SC 118TSI Golf and the 147TSI Jetta both with DSG, nice cars but I was not too happy with DSG maybe a thing you get used to and love later on?
    VW did cost a fair bit more for the same or less features plus I do not know if it is me or what but in the Skoda I had the feeling that I sat in a better car.
    I`ve been reading a lot about the CR vs the old PD systems and it seems that the CR got a lot of advantages except it has more electrical parts and in US I read about some people had very expensive necessary repairs to their VW CR engines regarding the fuel system but that could have been isolated cases, so if I do not get a really good price for the "old" TDI equipped engine I might wait until next year when they eventually have a sale to get one that is more quiet, uses less fuel (5.1 vs 5.7 l/100 km), smoother and greener CR model. Might even take a 118TSI DSG for a spin just to compare next time I visit a Skoda dealer.
    Many thanks!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red dust View Post
    Would have not mind to test a manual 118TSI (I`m a manual person) but there are not many around, same goes for the diesel it is just that the dealership had the 103 TDI to try, I already been to VW and tried the turbo/SC 118TSI Golf
    118TSI Golf is a different car - which I'm sure you know. 1.4L Twincharger compared to 1.8L turbo. The 1.8L punches above its' weight - I haven't seen a dyno chart yet where they have put out 118kW - generally 120kW-125kW
    From another thread I had:
    40-120 in 3rd gear. 40kmh is just off boost at just on 1500rpm (didn't really look).
    Before: 10.99 / 10.92 / 10.96 - call it 10.95?

    40-140 in 4th gear. 40kmh is way off boost at about 1000rpm
    Before: 14.99 / 14.74
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  7. #7
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    I origionaly went looking for a 118 TSI manual wagon, the only one available was a Green one, glad I coughed up the extra for the Blue RS Wagon though.
    2014 MY14 Corrida Red Elegance Wagon TDI
    2009 MY10 Race Blue RS Wagon TSI 6 sp. manual. (Gone)
    2011 MY12 Yeti 77 TSI DSG.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antiplastix View Post
    I origionaly went looking for a 118 TSI manual wagon, the only one available was a Green one, glad I coughed up the extra for the Blue RS Wagon though.

    I ordered the Dynamic Blue but they could only get it with the Ivory interior - which would have looked good for about 2 months with my kids & dog. i'd had a few silver cars and was over spending a day detailing them & they looked no different. Didn't want a dark colour so black & anthracite were out. The only choices left with Onyx interior were white or red. The white is nice but my FIL keeps telling me how great white cars are, so i had no choice but red. Very happy too.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red dust View Post
    it seems that the CR got a lot of advantages except it has more electrical parts and in US I read about some people had very expensive necessary repairs to their VW CR engines
    Most progress seems to involve compexity and cost.
    CR engines can be very expensive to fix if something goes wrong. There was a reasonably common problem with Volvo and Land Rover and BMW (the LR and BMW engines were both BMW design manufactured by Styer in Austria) CR engines with the injectors seizing in the heads and being unable to be removed. Complete new head and injector set time and don't even think about the cost. That particular issue seems to have been overcome I haven't heard about it for 5 years or so now.
    For me the benefits of diesel economy still outweigh the potential cost issues. Expensive things can go wrong with any car and often it's just the luck of the draw as to who gets the reliable one and who gets the one that has a problem.
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  10. #10
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    Went with the Octy 103 TDI manual, arctic green metallic with front/rear parking sensors.
    At first I did not know if I like it or not but after driving it I do not think any colour matter besides it was the only manual car they had for this special offer.
    I signed for $29990 drive away for a 2010 demo model with 85 km on the clock.
    It is the 1st car since a few years ago since I so far been more into my 3 motorbikes but must say a car has its pluses as well.
    My budget was maximum $30K and think I`ve done pretty well since the list price was around $39500?
    Find this forum very good and intend to spend some time here.

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