Disclaimer - Not sure if there is a separate threat to post news items in etc, so sorry if there is.
There was a bit of a write up in the Sunday Telegraph about "Wolves in Family Friendly Clothing", I guess meaning regular family cars that are a bit of fun to drive.
A nice full page shot of a Sprint Yellow Octy VRS Sedan, and a rear 3/4 shot of a Race Blue wagon. Review about so so as you might expect, but any publicity is good publicity as they say.
In a separate article, the Skoda Superb gets some air time.
Its all good.
Oooppps......My Bad.
Please forgive......I'm kind of a Renault man first, but am making a good effort to learn more about the Skoda.
Actually, since I don't have an A3 scanner at home, I took a couple of photos of the paper article, with the idea of posting them.......but the internet is slowwwww at the moment I can't get on to photobucket to host them...........maybe later.
Geepers I love internet in "rural" Australia.
This would have taken me about 30 seconds back when I lived in "town".
Now......a couple of hours to load 3 watered down photos to photobucket, so I can post them on a forum.......what a life. Sorry the photos are not clearer, but if I took the time to set up the tripod etc.......I'd be here until midnight.....
Anyway.......here it is.......enjoy......
Hows it supposed to remain a "Q Ship" when they keep publishing this stuff.
2014 MY14 Corrida Red Elegance Wagon TDI
2009 MY10 Race Blue RS Wagon TSI 6 sp. manual. (Gone)
2011 MY12 Yeti 77 TSI DSG.
The article in The Herald Sun Cars Guide was alot longer-I'll see if I still have it and add it to the thread. It wasn't a bad review!
I did find the online version of the OP's article though.