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Thread: SD Card Startup in Bolero

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    i've got 2gb on a 8gb card. almost instant reading without folders, with about 8 folders (by artist) it's now about 15secs which is bearable.

    what i did discover was when unlocking car and loading sd card it played without any key in ignition. sorry forgetting exciting as I'm a bit of a novice with this kinda stuff.
    MY10 Skoda Octavia Wagon 1.8TSI DSG Anthracite Grey.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by K1W1 View Post
    The number of photos is dependent on the capacity of the card nothing else. A 4GB card holds 4GB. Full stop.
    I think what the salesman was on about is that you probably have an SDHC card rather than an SD card. SD cards (with some very rare exceptions) topped out at 2GB.
    Sounds like it was a good quality well-trained BS artist salesman... LOL.

    K1W1 is correct, there is no such thing as a double density SD card. SD cards come in varying capacities, up to 2GB for standard SD (the standard for SD covers up to 4GB, but 4GB SD cards are like rocking horse poo - most 4GB cards out there are SDHC), up to 64GB currently for SD HC (High Capacity).

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by K1W1 View Post
    A 4GB card holds 4GB. Full stop.
    Actually, a 4GB memory card will only hold 3.77GB of actual data
    MY15 Octavia RS 162TSI Sedan, Race Blue with Tech Pack and Leather

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Just read a very interesting way of reducing the overall 'seek time' for SD cards. The following has just been posted on BriSkoda (by john999boy)


    "...for example, if you have been following this thread about how to speed up the Bolero by only using playlists then you could have one file with this text inside:-

    \1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9\Scooter - Sheffield\01 MC's Missing.mp3
    \1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9\Scooter - Sheffield\02 Don't Gimme The Funk.mp3

    This is 2 tracks from an album called Sheffield by a group called Scooter (pretty easy so far eh).

    It is actually a little bit more precise though as the first track is called 01 MC's Missing.mp3 and the second track is called 02 Don't Gimme The Funk.mp3 and they are both in a parent folder called Scooter - Sheffield. If it had been Scooter Sheffield\01 MC's Missing.mp3 then it wouldn't work due to not being the exact path.

    You will also notice that the album name - Scooter - Sheffield - is nested 9 folders from the root directory. This is to prevent the Bolero seeing it when it reads the SD card and is most important.

    So in this example all you need in the root directory is a playlist (for ease of naming) called:- Scooter-Sheffield.m3u. Note it does have a different spelling to the album but could just as easily be called Scoo-Shef.m3u or anything else as long as you try and keep all the group + album naming similar for your own piece of mind.

    However there is one more thing that must be done to ensure a trouble free time. You must have at least one mp3 file also in the root directory. This will be the default track that gets played when the card gets inserted into the Bolero.

    So the scenario now is that you insert your SD card and it plays the default track. You then can navigate very quickly back up to the root directory where you have put any other m3u files to select from.

    There you have it; until Skoda resolves the firmware problem, this is the speediest way to navigate the Bolero."

    I'm still waiting for my RS, but can any one please try this method and report if there are any significant improvements in reducing the 'start up time'?


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I saw that a couple of weeks ago but for somebody like me with no Linux knowledge or access to Linux and only prep level programming it looked way to complicated.
    My Škoda photos here

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  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    LOL... so how many hours would that take to set up for 32GB of MP3s with playlists, all appropriately organised... to save how many seconds on startup?

    I have an SD card in mine, 32GB, in the format /artist/album/song.mp3, about 20B of MP3s all up. Works fine... <shrugs>

  7. #27

    Quote Originally Posted by K1W1 View Post
    I saw that a couple of weeks ago but for somebody like me with no Linux knowledge or access to Linux and only prep level programming it looked way to complicated.
    Try Playlist Creator - you can just shovel all your MP3s/WMAs into it, and tell it to create a playlist. Supports drag-and-drop too, and it's freeware. I used it to create the playlists for my SD card in the Bolero.

    Only thing to watch is that it defaults to sticking ..\ at the start of each path in the playlist file, but that's easy fixed, just open it in a text editor, and find "..\" and replace with nothing. Bob is your fathers brother!

    As for the other method, I don't see why it wouldn't work, but my 16gb Class 6 card only takes about 20s to start up (it's playing by the time I round the first corner), and 10s or so to change folders, and I didn't go to all those lengths, so whether it's worth the effort is really up to the individual.

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