I dropped into Gold Coast SKODA today as they offered me a free short for being a long time customer. THis dealer gets a lot of Brisbane and NSW sales as they work a lot harder and provide better before and after sales service than others.

Their showroom was filled with RS169s and 245s in wagons and sedans in heaps of colours and more were coming including a one off RS245 in Steel Grey.

Here is the post I got from the local Sales Manager -

Are you curious? Gold Coast ŠKODA Southport Closed Door VIP Sale is happening this Saturday, November 25th. This is a limited invitation only one day event and you are invited to attend. There will be a HUGE range of offers. If you are interested and wish to be contacted with more info, please text 0438 887572 with your name & codeword “Insta”

If you go tell Jim and Rob that Danny sent you. They have a choccy wheel to spin and win a Cannondale road bike and they're offering extended test drives too so get in there if you can.