Check Fluid levels, lights, tyres, brake pad thickness (through the wheel spokes) - if you call that a Safety Check then it had one.
Are you saying there should be a line item on the invoice that says "Profit on oil that we didn't sell you - $54" That's certainly a new way of gouging the customer.
Where I said:I negated to mention that I verbally confirmed a price of $160 with the Service Advisor.I figure that will bring the price down to ~$160.
I have no issues with paying a fair price for the actual parts used. I have no issues paying for the time spent working on the vehicle or the standard factory times.
I do have an issue with paying for an excessive amount of time for a simple, straight forward job that I could do in my driveway in an hour (Safety Check included). The only extra they did was hooking it up to the computer.