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Thread: Off to UK for a week - what should i bring back??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Adelaide Hills, SA

    Off to UK for a week - what should i bring back??

    At this stage im thinking a Neuspeed torque arm insert, silvervisions and metal rings for around climate control dials..

    any suggestions?

    (no , I can't fit a fully worked Oettinger engine in my bag..)

    If I had the cash I'd get Koni FSD's and Neuspeed Pro Springs

    EDIT: leaving tomorow morning..
    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Perth, WA
    A bluefin unit would fit nicely in your suitcase (you should be able to claim the VAT back at the airport shouldn't you?).

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Adelaide Hills, SA
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    Very tempting, specially at $895

    I think i need shocks before power tho. (did i really say that???)
    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Perth, WA
    Probably, if you're used to the Renault. There aren't many corners or hills in WA, so I'm going power all the way, that is, after the bling. For the odd occasion when I encounter a corner, the standard suspension will do me.

    The Mrs & I tagged along on a cruise on the weekend, her in the Skoda & me behind in the golf. We went to one of only a couple of roads around Perth with some twisty stuff. I was very impressed with how well it seemed to go around the corners, seemed to sit a little bit flatter than the golf?! I've also been very impressed with the Exalto's, especially in the wet. They seem to grip a lot better than the CSC2's on the golf. (Mind you, the Golf's trying to put down a few extra Nm )

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Adelaide Hills, SA
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    Damm you WA spec Octy's and your Exaltos!
    No fair

    Yeah, coming from the go-kart the Octy is big and unweildy, but much more practical
    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DanSA View Post
    At this stage im thinking a Neuspeed torque arm insert, silvervisions and metal rings for around climate control dials..

    any suggestions?
    Are "silvervisions" headlight globes ? If so, have you considered Osram Nightbreaker +90s or Phillips X-treme +90 s globes ? They are supposed to have significantly better road illumination than anything else (bar HIDs). If you want "whiter" light and a fair bit cheaper price go the Osrams, otherwise the X-tremes are supposedly slightly better light. But get some spares too, as all the "+" globes don't last as well as the standard jobbies.

    Seeing as you bought a black one the black bling stuff (grille, body trims etc) I've been looking at (for my yellow wagon) would be pretty much a waste of money

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Perth, WA
    So Dan, are you going to enlighten us? What did you get?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Alas, to many people to see, too much time spent up and down motorways at 150kph plus..

    Did see alot of nice VAG cars tho, so many nice Audis etc.. Seem to be a dime a dozen.

    At least the dollar is still strong, just shipping costs..
    Octavia vRS Black Magic Wagon
    Golf 2.0 TDi DSG - Sold
    RSC-172 Sold


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