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Thread: Octavia VRS 2012 (Mk2 FL) air con pipes

  1. #1
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    Octavia VRS 2012 (Mk2 FL) air con pipes

    Hey there,

    I have an issue with my Air Con compressor to condensor pipe (High pressure) has rubbed through on a clamp making a hole and leaking the gas... Im looking for a replacement pipe but OEM have quoted $700!

    Does anyone know if this pipe is shared with other models? I have looked around online and it seems to be shared with the VW EOS, Audi A3 and Golf GTI of about the same era but cant find a consistent image on the net that can confirm that...

    I visited a wrecker but all the cars they had there had their engines removed and in the process cut the a/c line so i couldn't confirm the same routing.

    i'm happy to get a pipe with a different routing as long as they are interchangeable with my one...

    From what i can tell, it appears the part I need is:

    Manufacturer Part Number: W0133-2025106-OES
    Wallmart lists the part for $29US which on google looks like the correct part. May buy new if I can get it shipped to me in Brisbane and cant find second hand...

    Anyone have any experience with this?

  2. #2
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    Wallmart price appears to be USD376.

    That partno doesn't look right. Most VW partnos start with 1K0.

    Is it the hose that runs from the compressor to the condensor?

    Item 5? (match your engine code at the side)

    Have you approached an AC specialist or a hose specialist (Enzed/Pirtek) for a solution? I used to make/repair AC hoses when i was at Enzed.

    They look like they are ~USD200 on Amazon. ~USD350 at ECS tuning.

    Try Skoda Parts Online Shop - Genuine/Aftermarket Parts - ŠkodaParts Ltd
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  3. #3
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    sorry, youre right i linked the wallmart one to the wrong p/n - this is the one that came up $23US: 1400393 - 1K0820721BL

    I had a look on the NZ site but only the TDI one is shown which has the refill port on the hose itself and still >$700NZD.

    that link at "Item 5?" doesnt seem to direct to any place in particular but it is the rigid and flexible pipe from the compressor to the condensor. Looks the same as the part i mentioned at wallmart...

    The only pics i could find of the MK6 GTI (possible MKV), the pipe runs from the compressor and down under before heading to the condensor where mine goes up and over to the condensor...

  4. #4
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    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  5. #5
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    Great, that site works for me. The 1K0820721BL appears to be the correct P/N.

    Ordered a second hand one and hopefully its the last issue i have with the A/C

    Thanks peoples

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