I'm at Carss Park - red Octy with a tellytubby strapped to the grill.
You might have issues with a handheld remap as you have the MED17.5 ECU which might have encryption enabled. The tuners should be able to tell by your VIN - so ask lots of questions first.
Bluefin UK won't sell you a handheld at the moment as they are trying to support the local distributors. Not sure what JKM in Portsmouth are doing. The local guys can do a tune with their own gear if the handheld doesn't work.
Cheap alternative 2 is Viezu (rename for Chipped UK). They have a new local distributor doing tunes for $700. There's a thread in the tuning section.
Cheap #3 is Custom Code - also on this forum - $800?
I can't remember what I did with my insurance - IIRC, because I hadn't changed a component, they didn't care. Your insurer may be different.
Sothern Suburbs are poorly catered for.
I was getting mine done at Wakelings Campbelltown, but they are 1 of the TWO Skoda dealers that gave up. I'm now getting it done at Camden GTI.
I looked into getting it done at a VW or Audi Service Centre but apparently they don't have access to any software updates, Workshop Service Programs (unofficial recalls) or any of the other Skoda specific service items.
Given the various sponsorship deals Skoda have put in place & the advertising on Masterchef (How much must that be costing?), I think they'll be here a while.
Extended warranty is available - there's a thread about preferred suppliers on this forum. Buy now for about $1400 to avoid price rises or wait till just before the warranty expires & hope the price doesn't go up much.
Skoda/VW relatively reliable over 6 years? LOL
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums