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Thread: Nail in tyre - Repairable?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Nail in tyre - Repairable?


    Need your opinions on whether I should have this repaired or the tyre replaced? The location is on the inside shoulder of the rear left tyre. The tyre seems to have decent amount of tread left so not keen to replace it yet - only done 25,000 KMs and its a Bridgestone Potenza S001. Also the nail is in the tread part of the tyre.

    But I am expecting tyre repair places to tell me it should be replaced due to future integrity and safety. But if I should convince them, then I will try to.

    Any recommendations for a tyre repair place in South East Melbourne or should I get a repair kit from Auto parts retailers?

    LuckiNail in tyre - Repairable?-20161016_202635-jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I can't help you with where to go, but I will advise you to get a reputable tyre shop to fix it because legally the tyre needs to be plugged from the inside out. A potential problem I see with yours is damage to the internal structure of the shoulder. See what the tyre shop says.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Seems to happen a lot during a house building boom when the tradies celebrate by throwing nails, tacks and screws around the streets with gay abandon!
    I have had three punctures in as many months repaired.

    That is quite a lot of tread left after 25k, even for a rear tyre.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sinagra, Western Australia
    No it is too close to the sidewall to repair. Due to duty-of-care, any half decent tyre shop will tell you a new tyre is required.
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  5. #5
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    Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago, left rear tyre.
    First tyre shop said they wouldn't repair it and it would cost me $380 plus fitting to replace the tyre (less than 5,000km old).

    Second place I took it to said they couldn't say whether it could be repaired for certain until they had the tyre off the rim.
    Manged to fix it for $20
    They seem perplexed as to how a 3" long nail went through the shoulder of the sidewall, maybe I pissed someone off.......
    Nail in tyre - Repairable?-img_20161003_121213927[1]-jpg
    Last edited by DETROITCANDY; 18-10-2016 at 08:17 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Nope no way in hell should they repair that. I had one flat in way over towards the centre, and it was a month old car, exact same tyre. 3 tyre places all said no way as the plug has to be flat inside the tyre and it would curve, that plug is right where it curves completely, mine was over further in the flat bit of the tread. But they still wouldn't do it as the plugs are like a mushroom and they said the edges would lift away. New tyre was $350 -$360, I was quote $250 but it suddenly became $350 on pickup. If I had known I would have gone elsewhere or go some sent in from another place and waited. I had the spare on anyway. The new one was made in a different country to the OEMs and from what I know the originals are always better than what you get aftermarket so was doubly annoyed. I had done 2000kms.

    Donnellans haven't done you a favour there Detroit, that is a no go anywhere area where they have repaired that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Unlucky .. replacement required ...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Had same thing happen on a brand new car, 4000kms done total.

    New tyre required.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    ...or you can leave it in there. I got a screw "just off the steel belts" in my last tyre and the tyre shops wouldn't fix it, despite it stil being 2 cm in from the edge, so I plugged it myself. ENDLESS saga of trying to keep it inflated longer than a few days, so put on another tyre, and got another self tapper in almost the exact same spot, same drivers back wheel. Being beyond pissed off, I left it there, and it's almost worn the head away after 10 thou now, but it holds pressure for several days, and allows me time to decide what tyre #3 will be, probably a truck tyre.
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  10. #10
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    Neither of those tyres should have been repaired, but...

    if it was me I'd do a self repair with a dog turd
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