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Thread: Mk2 Octavia Air Conditioning Problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lawson, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Mk2 Octavia Air Conditioning Problems

    Long story - please bear with me. A couple of months back, my a/c stopped working. I was told I needed a new compressor, got that done - cost $900 including labour. A few weeks later my a/c stopped working, so I took it back. Compressor was faulty so they fixed that for free but diagnosed that the high pressure hose/pipe had split and needed replacing with a genuine Skoda replacement part - cost $900 including labour. Last week (while I'm on holiday in Qld), my daughter rings me up to tell me the battery is flat. So I organise for the shop to put in a new battery - and they tell me that I need new dual air cooling fan as well - (cost, unsurprisingly, $900 including labour) or my air conditioning won't work! Have I been ripped off?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I dunno but when several A/C related bits all die at once you start wondering did someone break bits doing the first thing. I had the timing belt and water pump replaced and then noticed that the car wasn't warming up right.....stuck thermostat valve. It was fine before they did the coolant, so did they gum it up with crap when doing the pump? Probably.....but they wouldn't do anything about it, so I had to pay to do all the coolant etc all over again and replace a cheap part.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Erskineville, NSW
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    Dealer or independant?

    I find Skoda parts are crazy prices and much cheaper from overseas. eg: AC high pressure sensor $100+ locally, $15 eBay. Water pump & housing $600+ locally, $150 eBay.

    Why did they have to replace whole unit? I'm pretty sure the fans are available individually. It's not a hard job either.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Preston, VIC
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    I'd been having issues with my Octavia II Scout aircon for a few years, gradual decline in efficiency, not coming on at startup. Did my research and decided it definitely had to be the N280 control valve. Source one from OS for $23 feee shipping, but my mechainic deiscoverd it was 'slightly' the wrong part. They sourced the right one (which probably originated from my source!!) for ... only .... $179.

    At least it worked and it's once again a joy to drive. I guess that's the pitfall of buying 'off the rack' from OS. I don't use Skoda dealers unless I have to (eg coding the car to new keys!) - I have a mechanic i trust explicitly for things I can't tackle myself without major drama - and they've never let me down. They told me the std process for VAG dealers with faulty N280s is to replace the compressor ... go figure!

    Bummer about your aircon woes. Enough to totally destroy your trust in the brand.

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