This is the affect a set of Eibach Pro Kit springs and a day of swearing at, belting, and just generally abusing your car will have. Thanks to zz2 for his assistance, it definately is a two person job. It hasn't fully settled yet, only done a few days ago and travelled about 100km on the new springs. Yes, the before picture was a while ago (as you can tell by the car's cleanliness & chrome grill surround).
I ordered the springs from JKM Performance in the UK for GBP200 including delivery (GBP85 of that was express DHL delivery). The local distributor wanted $600 + delivery!
The install was pretty straight forward with the right tools. Spring compressors, a 13/16's (or 21mm) offset ring spanner, a 7mm hex driver, and a 14mm xzn driver are the only tools required additional to your average socket / spanner set. We didn't have the proper strut spreader tool, and in retrospect would have made things much easier. I'll be getting one for next time.
I thought about doing a DIY, but won't bother because there's a few Golf GTI ones floating around & it's the same deal. I'm happy to answer any queries about the install if anybody has any.
All that remains is to have a wheel alignment done after the springs have had a chance to settle.