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Thread: Key Fob syncing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Key Fob syncing

    After not using the car for a while one of the key fobs stopped working.

    Thinking the key fob battery failed I swapped it out but it still doesn't work. So I tried resyncing it using this method but it still didn't work.

    I took it to my usual mechanic (not a dealer) and he confirmed that the computer is throwing up an error message saying the fob has failed or it has lost sync - This mechanic couldn't perform a resync as it was asking for a security code (that Skoda wouldn't supply).

    Is the method shown above the right one for resyncing a 2009 (MY10) FL Octavia VRS? The handbook is bloody hopeless on how to resync.

    I went to the nearest dealer and they want $90 to diagnose the issue. Before I have to pay this crazy fee just wondering if there is anything else I can try at home to get the fob resynced - before I go through the process of ordering new electronics and they paying again to get it synced.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    That resync procedure is only for older VAG cars. With yours you can try turn the car ON, hold a button ( Or sometimes press it a few times) and then turn it off. if it needs to be recoded you do not need a PIN number.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the instructions. Unfortunately that didn't work. That being the case do you think that it's probably kaput?

    If I get the new electronics from the UK do you know if it needs to be recoded/synced via the dealer?

    I called two QLD based dealers today to enquire about getting the part but neither got back to me.

    I'm tempted just to take a punt with a key off ebay uk. I saw this onewhich has the same code that faintly printed on mine.

    Thanks in advance

  4. #4
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    This process worked on my MK5.
    Flip out the key blade and use it to manually lock and then unlock the driver's door.
    Then press the lock button on the fob. It should now be synced again.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  5. #5
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    A new remote would have to be diagnostically coded to the car, if you can find someone with a Rosstech then you can use that to test that the car is seeing the remote signal. Worst case if it is buggered then again Rosstech to code in a new remote or a trip to the dealer.

    I do have 1K0 959 753 N remotes in stock. Will cost a little more than the Ebay one but I guarantee that my remotes will work.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCruisn View Post
    This process worked on my MK5.
    Flip out the key blade and use it to manually lock and then unlock the driver's door.
    Then press the lock button on the fob. It should now be synced again.
    Annoyingly that way didn't work for me either. Thanks for the suggestion though.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AALocksmiths View Post
    A new remote would have to be diagnostically coded to the car, if you can find someone with a Rosstech then you can use that to test that the car is seeing the remote signal. Worst case if it is buggered then again Rosstech to code in a new remote or a trip to the dealer.

    I do have 1K0 959 753 N remotes in stock. Will cost a little more than the Ebay one but I guarantee that my remotes will work.
    Thanks for the offer of the remote. The problem I have is finding someone local (Brisbane - preferably northside) who has the Rosstech to do the install.

    I really want to avoid the local dealer if possible.

    I called the Gold Coast dealer and the key will be $226.65 and $90 for "install". Does this sound like its in the ballpark for the price you would charge a customer?

    Via the web I've found a local locksmith who claims to be a VW expert but they said they can't do Skoda's... mmmmm methinks they are not so expert.

  8. #8
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    I do a complete aftermarket remote key for around that price, the quality of them is on par with OEM, genuine then yes, that is about right.

    I have found that everyone is an expert until it comes time to do the job

    I will send you a PM with a business in Brisbane who can supply and code a remote. Not sure what their prices will be but a phone call never hurts. failing that if you take your car to a mechanic who works with VAG ( and not one of those "we service all makes and model" places then they should have the kit to do it.

  9. #9

    Key Fob syncing

    For what it's worth, I spent a couple of years as a service advisor for a car dealership, and we used to have a fair amount of autonomy when it came to charging for jobs (including replacing programmable keys).

    Not sure if things are still the same, but it may be worth approaching the dealer again and asking for a better price.

    If the local dealership you are referring to is the one is Southport, I found them quite good: after lowering my car (which I did not purchase from them), and never having used them for anything previously, they reprogrammed my headlights (post- lowering they were aimed dangerously low). They told me to drop in whenever was convenient, and they did the job for free...

    No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyB View Post
    Not sure if things are still the same, but it may be worth approaching the dealer again and asking for a better price.
    I tried to both the dealer at Southport and Nambour. Both of them had the same final price, but the breakdown (parts/labour) was different between the two. I will keep that in mind about Southport though. A bit of goodwill goes a long way.

    I've found an independent key guy in Brisbane that thinks he might be able to do to. He has done many Audi and VW's but never a Skoda. He says he would like to have a look at it. This guy is much closer than the alternatives so I think I will let him have a crack before I try the dealers.

    It will be a week or so before I get a chance to take the car to him but I will post back his details if he does an OK job.

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