Hi. Been scouring here and Briskoda for info on high beam upgrades for the H1 halogens on my Scout, finding all sorts of rants about Xenons and Bixenons (like 'let's spend $2500'), but very little on good old halogens.
Recent night drives in Vic and NSW revealed grossly inadequate light penetration on high beam; low beam on the std H7s is great, no issue there. Seriously, my 1074 Volvo with 7 inch Bosch H4s (55/130w) were sensational compared to the Scout - high beam reminds me of riding a 6v 70s trail bike at night. Not helped by bizarre factory settings. Had always wondered why the tree tops seemed illuminated at night on high beam until driving in fog I realised the car came out of the factory with them aimed about 15 or 20 deg to skyward!!! How can they be serious????
Adjusted the high beams down in Sydney but they are still woeful. Also having trouble finding the left-right adjustment screw for high beam (any clues?).
So I'm looking at upgraded H1 bulbs but there seem to be quite a few options: blue, extreme, intense, white, diamond etc etc. Does anyone have any info on the best options? I notice that the SCA H1 100w are ADR approved and also have UV filters to protect polycarbonate lenses; are the poly lenses an issue when choosing bulb options?