given that the fuse box map is about as logical and accurate as reading tea leaves, I'd check the other fuses as well.
- I thought the wipers were fuse 15 on the Right panel in the cabin? Even if it looks OK & comes up OK on the multi-meter, change it anyway. IIRC, the book says it's fuse 41 - which is wrong but check it anyway.
- It may be the bonnet catch microswitch seized - you can unplug & bridge it with a wire or paper clip.
- Is there a relay under the bonnet? That under bonnet relay / fuse box can suffer from water ingestion.
- Can you disconnect the wiring harness to the wiper motor & test for power / earth?
- Have they been going slower than normal lately? If so, seized pivots?
That's all i can think of
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums