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Thread: First Long Trip in the RS

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by gregozedobe View Post
    Define "accurate"

    The fuel guage is definitely non-linear (ie the top "1/4" of the fuel gauge covers considerably more litres than the bottom "1/4", which is why the needle seems to take a long time to drop at first, but sinks like a stone as you get near empty.
    So they are just like everybody else. my last car had a 55 litre tank and on several occasions I put 57 litres into it and the 5 litre reserve light had not lit up.
    In the real old days you would never trust a Falcon if the gauge was even minutely below half full.

    Quote Originally Posted by gregozedobe View Post
    The analogue speedo is always optimistic, but the odometer is usually very close to the actual distance covered.
    That is for legal reasons so you can't sue them if you get ticketed driving at the indicated speed limit. Also they have to allow for tyre wear and inflation and even different sized tyres being fitted.

    Quote Originally Posted by gregozedobe View Post
    The coolant temp gauge has a software fiddle to keep it reading a constant 90C even when it is actually a few degrees hotter or colder.
    Once again I think that's common. IMO they would be better off with a simple warning light (and loud siren ) that came on if there was a problem. A gauge that doesn't really do anything is a waster of space I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by gregozedobe View Post
    I suspect my external temp reading is 2-3 degrees higher than what it actually is.
    Hadn't thought about that. So far I would say mine is about right but I might check it against another thermometer.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    The external temp is definitely higher than what it should be. My 6 is always bang on, but the MPS 6s are always higher due to the sensor being in the air intake and the turbo heating things up. I figured the RS must do much the same thing hence the higher temp.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cranbourne, Vic
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    Getting off topic but I just did my calculations.
    MFD says:
    20km left
    ave speed 77kph
    time 9hr 37 min
    consumption 7.4l/100km.

    Trip metre 789.7
    fuel 52.34l
    consumption 7.59l/100km

    Car is 2007 RS with 44827km using 98octane fuel. Most of this was country driving although some was slower due to my wife who was following be being unable to go through a bend without slowing down so even though I was in a 100 zone, I had to slow to 70 or so for her to catch up. I will educate her later. I possibly filled the tank more this time than last time so it might be a little out.

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