Nice write-up!
Hi Guys and Girls
As promised in the Mods thread here is the write up on installing the Kufatec E-MFA add on.
What you get is a small wire harness(No more than 10cm), which has a longer (no more than 25cm) thinner one, which leads to a small black box. The wire harness has a female quadblock connector on one side and a male on the other. These connectors are big, and they became a big problem when trying to put the radio back. I found a work around which is detailed below.
I missed some photo opportunities while I installed this unit, so I will do my best to describe in detail where I don’t have a pic.
You will require a Hex screwdriver set or equivalent, no normal Phillips heads here.
**I am providing this information for information purposes, I will not be held in anyway liable for damage to yourself or your vehicle if you attempt this, you undertake this on your own accord. Thanks**
Step 1
Disconnect the Negative terminal at your battery. This is very highly recommended due to the nature of this installation. If the system is still connected and you disconnect your hazard lights switch you will get a service light displayed. Along with the fact that you are in close proximity to airbag systems.
Step 2
Remove the facia panel from around the radio. This panel clips out with some persuasion. Best to start at the bottom, open the ash tray, and gently pull on the bottom of the panel. The very top of the panel will require a bit more persuasion to pop out, I found using a plastic ruler a great trim removal tool. Make sure it’s a tough one, as the corners can snap off, as I found out
Step 3
Remove the storage container on top of the dash above the radio. This is much simpler than the front facia panel, slide your ruler in at the bottom and gently lever upwards, it should pop out. You should get a result similar to this
Step 4
Remove the hazard switch by applying pressure from behind, and it will pop out the front, disconnect the plug from the switch.
You can now move the storage container away easily.
Step 5
Remove the four screws that secure your radio, I have the MFD 2, but more than likely other versions will be very similar.
Step 6
Remove the four screws that secure the climate controls, this will open a large area behind
Step 7
Gently slide your radio out, be careful of the plugs and wires connected to it, disconnect all the plugs. They all have some sort of release lever. Place your radio in a safe place. I now have 4 cable looms and plugs sitting in the radio area, Main Harness, Minor Harness, Radio Antenna Cable (White plug), GPS Antenna Cable (Blue Plug). You can see the quadblock connector in the back left corner.
Step 8
This image shows the kufatec wire harness with the smaller one running to the box in the background.
This image shows the box bit more clearly
This image you can see the kufatec harness connected to the main harness and the box in the bottom right corner.
This was in preparation of re-installing my radio, this however will not work! I spent a very frustrating period of time trying, there is just simple not enough room back there to achieve this. Which leads to Step 9
Step 9
You will need to move the Main harness into the space between the glovebox and the centre console, there is a opening at the back of the radio area to achieve this. The quadblock won’t fit through, so you will need to lift it over the radio area, when you do this yourself you will see how to achieve this easily.
Connect the kufatec harness, and put its quadblock connector in the radio area, make sure you provide suitable slack for the other cables in there.
Feed the longer kufatec wires down into the space behind the climate controls, and connect to the kufatec box.
Word of caution here, make sure you haven’t crimped or crushed other wires in the space between the glovebox and the console, especially the radio and gps coax cables.
You can just see the top of the quadblock connector in this shot, you can see one of the glovebox guides arms to the left of it, make sure it isn’t obstructed by cables, otherwise it won’t open or close smoothly (as I found out )
Step 10
Gently place the radio back into it’s radio area, reach through the storage container opening, and plug the cables back in, this is a bit awkward, but it works.
Make sure the radio sits flush then resecure it with its four screws.
I secured the kufatec box to the underside of the radio area with 3M double sided tape.
Resecure the climate controls with their 4 screws.
Feed the Hazard switch wire back through its opening in the storage container, reconnect the plug to the hazard switch, then gently push the switch back into it’s opening.
Re-Insert the storage container.
Clip facia panel back in.
Step 11
Reconnect your battery.
When you start your engine you will get two warning lights displayed, these will be the stability control and the power steering. These lights should go out after driving a short distance, if they don’t they will require dealer attention.
Step 12
To access the E-MFA display, access the main menu on the MFD, this is done by holding the down rocker for a couple of seconds, scroll down to E-MFA and select, choose E-MFA in the next menu, and select.
This pic shows a readout on the digital speedo, along with the Rpm in the bottom right corner. Interestingly the digital readout appears to be far more accurate than the needle display, when the digital readout displays 60 km/h the needle is showing more around 68-70km/h. I found the digital very closely resembles GPS groundspeed
I have another two pics of the display, however the forum rules limit a post to 12 images.
The bottom right corner can also display fuel remaining in Litres
The bottom left corner can also display battery voltage.
The boost display in the bottom left, has a choice of 3 options, which depends on the engine type. 1 Option is just ‘Boost Off’
I hope this helps for those curious about this mod.
Little tip if you do decide to purchse this unit, I found the US version of the kufatec website has cheaper shipping costs compared to the euro version.
Last edited by NicZA; 05-10-2009 at 12:29 PM. Reason: legal stuff
Nice write-up!
Fantastic diy thanks for making it!
Just to let people know, if you have a Bluetooth that works through the MFD, according to the Kufatec website this will not work.
But please correct me if i am wrong.
Thank you for posting NicZA. Looks like a worthwhile mod.
My Skoda pics are at:
Sweeeeeet!!! Exactly the kind of mod I was thinking about whilst driving yesterday. Thanks for the write up mate. I've got the same headunit as yours so fitment and result should be the same then.
Hey was just thinking, would this module work with an aftermarket head unit? Does this thing require the factory headunit to work at all is it a seperate entity altogether?
From my understanding it's a add on that reads and feeds the info back through the CAN bus to the MFD o it will work with out the radio connected, the Quadloc at the rdio end is the most convienent wayof hooking up.
Awesome. Thanks mate. How much did you pay all up? Seems like a pricey addition.
according to the Kufatec US website, they are $172 USD plus postage.