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Thread: DSG Thumping Jerking

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by kaitan View Post
    Hi Harlie,

    the DSG Jerks only when I strat the car then from P to D. It never jerks when I'm at the traffic lights waiting.

    I've tested yesterday, After starting the car I changed the gear from P to D but then let it creep instead of pressing the throttle it still jerk.

    So what I am gonna do is send it into Skoda to get it checked out but first will remove Dtuk. Sucks that it use to be a dealer near me but now it's closed and I have to travelled 45 mins just to get the car check.
    If it is only when it is started it may be pressure related.

    My advice. Make sure you know when it will and when it won't do it. When you speak to the dealer explain that you would like to demonstrate its behaviour. Mine was playing up but only when hot. Previous owner had explained it to the dealer over and over but when they took it in, the car was parked, and by the time anyone drove it, it was cool and did't play up. Every time they told them there was nothing wrong, it is "turbo lag".

    When I called the same dealer, I was told that they "don't do demonstrations, you leave it with us and we will look after it". So I called another dealer, they said yep no worries, see you at 8. Foreman jumped in, about 2minutes later he said, seen enough. Car fixed that week...
    Octavia vRS TDi DSG MY10 - RD Technik tuned
    Polo 9N3 1.9TDi

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by harlie View Post
    If it is only when it is started it may be pressure related.

    My advice. Make sure you know when it will and when it won't do it. When you speak to the dealer explain that you would like to demonstrate its behaviour. Mine was playing up but only when hot. Previous owner had explained it to the dealer over and over but when they took it in, the car was parked, and by the time anyone drove it, it was cool and did't play up. Every time they told them there was nothing wrong, it is "turbo lag".

    When I called the same dealer, I was told that they "don't do demonstrations, you leave it with us and we will look after it". So I called another dealer, they said yep no worries, see you at 8. Foreman jumped in, about 2minutes later he said, seen enough. Car fixed that week...
    Thanks at the end of the day what was the issue with yours?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
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    Just an update.

    After switching the dtuk off,i realize that there is no more jerking from P to D only vibration which i believe its normal. the jerking only happens when its map 3.2+. I tried switching to map 2 and no jerking sign. Then now switch to map 3.1+ semms to be ok so far.

    will update more when I have more details.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Well there’s another reason not to buy a plugin box. All you are doing with plugin boxes is modify the signal after the engine ECU has sent it’s commands or modifying the signal from a sensor to trick the ecu into tipping more fuel, boost or pressure in.

    If it is affecting the transmission then there’s a sensor that is reading a parameter that’s significantly out of the normal.

    If you want more go, get it remapped, the internal parameters work with the firmware instead of trying to trick it, you’re not dealing with a Toyota.... How many times do we see problems after one of these boxes is installed....

    Sorry to be so blunt, but there is a better way, the boxes are cheaper because they are mass produced simple crap, the same electronic device is re-boxed with different looms and fitted to many many completely different vehicles - a remap takes the software your car is running and enhances it, your remap won't work in a subaru like the box does.
    Octavia vRS TDi DSG MY10 - RD Technik tuned
    Polo 9N3 1.9TDi

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