Well, Sunday 20 February is in the calendar for me.
My proposal is as follows:
Start: 10:30am, Moss Vale
This should give us all enough time to get there without having to get up at the crack of dawn.
I like the look of Southern Highlands Wines for a location where we can park and get some shots. However, we might need to cotnact them to see if they are (1) happy for us to use the space and (2) maybe organise some pre-drive nibblies etc. If this doesn't work out, then I'm happy to bring along some nibblies and drinks.
Intermediate stop: Cambewarra Lookout. I just like this spot, and it also has some nice, narrower roads to make it interesting.
Finish: Gerroa Boat Fishermans Club
This will be a late-ish lunch (but I figure we should be there by 1.30 at the latest). We should probably book ahead to let them know that a group is coming in.
So that I don't have to back-track through a lot of messages, please respond directly after this with a positive indication eg. "yes", "yeah", "ok" etc. Also, indicate how many adults and children are coming along.
As responses come in, I propose that we communicate by direct emails between ourselves. This is easier for me, as I'm more likely to check emails on my phone than log in to the forum. But feel free to speak up if you think this isn't appropriate.
Feel free to make any suggestions. I'm not the world's greatest organiser, so I'm happy to hear any suggestions. Also, I will be away from 4-12 Feb so it would be good to lock in some arrangements soon. And I'm away this weekend so I'll check back in on Sunday night.