Top it up with water if you are far away from being able to get coolant or worried about driving there. They will top it up for you otherwise. Used some distilled water though, not tap or bottled water.
I had the coolant warning light pop up this morning on my 2015 Octavia RS petrol, coolant level is slightly below Min, would it be better if I top it up with water or get the correct coolant and top up with coolant? My car is 3 months away from the 15000km service.
Coolant temp and oil temp all seemed to be normal.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by sillyboy; 08-02-2016 at 08:10 AM.
Top it up with water if you are far away from being able to get coolant or worried about driving there. They will top it up for you otherwise. Used some distilled water though, not tap or bottled water.
Thanks Buddy,
I topped it up with distilled water, the dealer service supervisor said I can wait until the 15000km service, I guess I will just wait until then, should I be concerned about the loss of coolant though? E.g a leakage somewhere?
I had it happen with my mk2 about 6mths from new. It was most likely an air bubble coming out into the overflow tank. I checked for leaks but there weren't any obvious signs and it never dropped again.
Mine started doing it intermittently, then more and more often until it was happening every cold start: not sure if it's the same as my mk2, but the sensor prongs were dirty: scraped them with a flat head screwdriver for a couple of minutes, and have not had the issue again since...
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