Tiggy was diagnosed with a faulty intake manifold. Was replaced last week, including seals for $1300.Warning light has disappeared for now.
Tiggy was diagnosed with a faulty intake manifold. Was replaced last week, including seals for $1300.Warning light has disappeared for now.
Mrs. BS has a Golf VI TDI DSG. About a year ago the exhaust system fault light came on and stayed on. I thought for sure it was a sensor fault, or possibly a DPF fault due to the very short daily run she does twice a day. Not even close. The cause of the exhaust fault light coming on was a u/s water pump. It was replaced under warranty.
I got this fault this afternoon. For some reason the battery has just died as well. I think the battery dying has caused the fault as it's gone now.
I went straight to Skoda as per the manual recommendation only to be told I could leave it with them and they'd do if they finished another job early or I would have to wait until the next free spot which is next Friday (a week away). Being Friday today, if I left it they wouldn't get to it until at least Monday. Then they told me it took an hour to read the code and reset it. I told them I didn't believe them which they told me I didn't need to believe them and that's how long it takes.
I drove home with the light on, turned it off, started it again and the light has gone.
So I'm not much the wiser to what causes the fault and I'm looking to get my own VCDS for just incase in the future.
Batteries dying cause all kinds of weird issues.