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Thread: Commentators/reporters/journalist reviews without researching.

  1. #1
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    Angry Commentators/reporters/journalist reviews without researching.

    I'm really quite amazed recently, as i decided to go have a look at the last 6 months of reviews of Skoda in general. And I have been noticing so many reviews where the reviewer has not spent time with the car, or asked a dealer a question, and finally the stupid and narrow minded comments about resale value shocks me.

    One article recently a journo said there where no cup holders in the rear of a Superb Wagon, WTF?? did you ask? there are a pair of self adjusting cup holders in the rear center arm rest.
    Then you read articles where on the cons they go on about possible resale value issues, which i know for a fact is utter ****e from my own experience in selling my 1z vRS.

    I think many of the jounos are not interested in actually being factual and usually have made up their minds before reviewing the car on its merits.

    All up though.. when you look at the press all up, the smaller writers and those who actually do a proper car review rave about Skoda.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanberravRS View Post
    I think many of the jounos are not interested in actually being factual and usually have made up their minds before reviewing the car on its merits.
    I'll try to not to do that in my career years .
    Mine: Silver 2006 Volkswagen Golf Sportline 2.0FSI 6M (with a sunroof)
    Parents': Candy White 2008 Skoda Octavia RS 2.0TFSI 6M Liftback

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jake02 View Post
    I'll try to not to do that in my career years .
    LOL.. well we shall have to keep you on your toes then!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanberravRS View Post
    LOL.. well we shall have to keep you on your toes then!
    Lol, I'm pretty sure you know I'd appreciate it muchly!
    Mine: Silver 2006 Volkswagen Golf Sportline 2.0FSI 6M (with a sunroof)
    Parents': Candy White 2008 Skoda Octavia RS 2.0TFSI 6M Liftback

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanberravRS View Post
    I think many of the jounos are not interested in actually being factual and usually have made up their minds before reviewing the car on its merits.
    That's absolutely correct and has been going on since probably the second printed car review was published in the early part of the 20th century.
    Most but not all auto journalists are journalists first and auto people second. Early in their careers they had a choice between writing the local lost cat and dog stories or putting together half a page on some car or other and they chose the car and stayed with it. Having said that auto reviews are really no different from reviews in any specialist subject people interested in the subject will always pick holes in most reviews over sometimes minute omissions that to them are important to most readers aren't noticed.
    Reviewers always have biases that's human nature. There was one Melbourne reviewer who used to think that Mercedes Benz made in his mind perfect cars and would compare every single vehicle he tested against the equivalent Benz always in a negative way. The secret as a reader is to digest several reviews and other soures of information about any subject and then make up you own mind based on that. Nobody should be swayed by a single review of anything.
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  6. #6
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    The only true independent australian auto journalism is on

  7. #7
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    I am willing to bet many 'reviews' are by journalists who don't actually drive the car but read overseas reviews and perhaps have a quick look. Laziness. Lack of real interest in cars. I have rarely seen a poor review of a Skoda though.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by PassatB6 View Post
    I am willing to bet many 'reviews' are by journalists who don't actually drive the car but read overseas reviews and perhaps have a quick look.
    I am be willing to bet that you are wrong on that as far as the driving is concerned. One of the perks of being the car reviewer is that you get new cars to drive. The issue though is twofold. Many reviewers have no real technical skill to evaluate what they are driving so the number of cup holders or the ease of programming the stereo sometimes outweigh in their eyes braking performance or handling or NVH but in fairness the average buyer probably thinks the same in many respects. The second issue is that many of these tests are not really tests at all as the reviewers may only have the vehicle for a short period sometimes less than a day. They do drive the cars but they also place an enormous weigh on the technical information provided to them by the manufacturer. If the manufacturers tech sheet talks about the new improved gearbox with microsecond fast totally smooth gear changes you can almost guarantee very similar words will appear in a large proportion of reviews for the vehicle.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by K1W1 View Post
    I am be willing to bet that you are wrong on that as far as the driving is concerned.
    I've seen reviews on cars describing engines and other features which don't even exist in Australia. I've also read reviews which almost quote word for word sections of other reviews. Its hard to believe they even had a look. Its only a perk if you are a car enthusiast and some (a small minority) do not seem to be all that interested. Its true what you say about lack of knowledge though. Some engineering background would definitely help.

  10. #10
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    I think something similar could be said about a lot of car sales-people...

    'Selling vehicles without knowing anything about your product'

    Please note that I do know there are some very diligent sales people that research the vehicles they sell. I especially take my hat off to both Phillip(VWDealer) and TRIVETT that they've taken the time to find this site and post.

    I guess I just don't understand how somebody can conscientiously spruik a product with the total lack of knowledge some sales-people show. When test driving while looking for the Mrs car we drove the diesel Passat wagon at a dealer near Sydney Airport... Two basic questions I posed to him and the responses;

    Q. How large is the fuel tank and what range do they get?
    A. Not sure but you can drive from Sydney to Melbourne and back with the diesel.

    Q. Is this car fitted with any options or is it the base model?
    A. No, if you order this is what you get… (NB: Bi-Xenon’s, Sat-Nav, sunroof, reversing camera, privacy glass, and auto-tailgate all fitted to demonstrator)

    I hadn’t done any homework at that stage as it was very early in the looking phase, but I’m not stupid either – Even the Mrs knew all the options on the demo wouldn’t be standard equipment.

    He also tried to tell me the V6 4x4 was available in diesel (I wish!) and, when asked about the size of the Tiguan interior (we hadn’t seen one yet) that they were the same size as the Passat.

    Suspecting by now that he really didn't have a clue, I asked him what orientation they received on new cars to which he responded that they got a briefing about details of the car & then drove them, often at a company track-day type event… I then asked: ‘Did you actually go to it?’.

    He stopped talking to me after that.
    Last edited by thejack72; 12-11-2010 at 05:50 AM.
    2008 VW Golf V - GT Sport TDI
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