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I'd be surprised if the fight got to far, 'secure parking' clause or not. That sucks though.. I don't get why people feel the need to do rubbish like that. So long as your no claim bonus isn't effected then at least your 'liability' is capped at the excess which is well under both quotes - may as well get the best job done.
You will fall back 1 rating for the claim, so add 5% next year, then you will have the claim adding another 3-5% to the base premium for the next 3 to 5 years, depends on insurer. Rating 1 for life would change this, but you will still have the claim on history affecting the base premium.
So take your current premium get 5% multiply by 4, add excess. This is the number the claim must be over to break even.
Example, rough numbers
$700 premium 5% = $35.
$35 loss of rating. $35 for 3 years on base premium
$140 + $600 excess
$1800 premium
$90 x4 + $1100 excess
You can always ask your insurer what the new premium would be, or play around with online quotes.
MK4 GTI - Sold
MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.