It wasn't that, it was a pic that took over the entire maxidot with red radiating lines and a chime. It went away after traffic started moving again. I assumed it might have been the emergency braking warning or that something was about to hit me.
It wasn't that, it was a pic that took over the entire maxidot with red radiating lines and a chime. It went away after traffic started moving again. I assumed it might have been the emergency braking warning or that something was about to hit me.
That's the forward collision alert. That symbol and the chime will very shortly be followed by Autonomous emergency braking if you take no action.
You can reporduce it following cars that slow down to turn in a side street.
Oh ok, it must be a bit ancy as I was nowhere near the car in front and hardly had to brake at all. It was just a sudden braking it might not have liked. The car has only done 120km so hard braking is not something I have even tried out on it yet.
I am getting a bit over it telling me when every car is beside me, guess thats the auto activation, might think about turning it off. It also doesn't like me parking as close as I have to at work against a wall. Practically screams at me compared to the Mk2. I've noticed the Mk2 front and rear sensors don't make a solid sound until around 15-20cm whereas the Mk3 is more like 30cm, the same as my Santa Fe which is a bit crap when parking. The side sensors just go mental the whole time parking up against the side wall so just have to ignore them and listen for the rear one in amongst the screaming...
Sounds like the emergency brake... Did it beep as well? This happens if it thinks you're not going to stop in time (quite often happens to me if I don't brake behind a car turning right when I can see it's going to move). If you leave it too late or get even closer it will jump on brakes for you too.
I'd say so, wasn't that close or moving that fast though. Guess its a good thing if you aren't paying attention. Can't say I have ever had an issue pulling up in either SKoda I have owned. Our Santa Fe on the other hand takes forever too and I've had a few instances where I had to stop suddenly and even with a decent distance I've thought I'm going to tap someone.
Having driven with the adaptive cruise control for 2.5 weeks now I can say that overall I love it, however I do find that even the minimum following distance setting is too far back to prevent other drivers jumping into the gap, at least with aggressive Queensland drivers. The problem with that happening is that the car sees it is suddenly too slow and brakes, leaving an even bigger gap. It would be good if you could set this a bit closer, however I doubt it's possible. The distance the car uses is a safe one, it's just too safe lol. The only other quibble I've got with it is that it's slowish to respond if a car pulls out of your lane, allowing you resume your set speed, acceleration is rather sedate when this happens.
Oh emergency brake hit again tonight, was accelerating up towards my street turnoff and it picked up a car pretty much already turning down there, beep and then bam it's breaking.....:facepalm:
I had the dong sound and big red icon on the display between the instruments today, cars in front had stopped and the car didn't think I was slowing fast enough, was not even close though. Feels a bit "nanny state" at times lol.
Yep I was a block away when mine went off as above, ie I was just passing one street and the car ahead was turning down the next. Miles away. Not sure if there is a way to set the distance to be a bit closer, I'm not a close follower at any time so if I am seeing it going off I can only imagine the tailgaters. My workmate sits on everyones backside and on a long trip with her in her new Forester it was going off all the time.
Wow.. Mines not that sensitive.... Does the driving mode selection affect it? I drive in Sport mode pretty much all the time (note this is Sport driving mode, not Sport gearbox mode)..