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Thread: add this to the service sticky

  1. #1
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    add this to the service sticky

    Octavia 1.8TSI M6
    15,000 Service
    1.2 hours labour $129
    4.5L 504/507
    Sump Plug N90813202 $3.40
    Oil Filter 06J115403C $20.20
    4.5L Castrol Edge Sport 5w-30 $30

    30,000 Service
    1.4 hours labour $149
    Sump Plug N90813202 $3.50
    Oil Filter 06J115403C $21.00
    Pollen Filter (Carbon Impregnated) 1k0819644B $16.20
    Brake Fluid 1Litre $19.50
    4.5L Valvoline SynPower XL-III 5w-30 $75.30

    45,000km Service
    1.1 hours labour $119
    Sump Plug N90813202 $3.45
    Oil Filter 06J115403C $21.00
    Air Filter 1K0129620D $34.20
    4.5L Valvoline SynPower XL-III 5w-30 $91.75

    60,000km Service (Independant Workshop)
    ?? Labour
    Oil Filter
    Oil Total $220
    Fuel Filter 6Q0201051C $66
    Pollen Filter (plain paper) $44
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Will do, at least some of it

    But first we have to clear up a few things:
    Is the brake fluid Skoda (VW) approved fluid or just the DOT4?
    Pollen Filter (Carbon Impregnated) 1k0819644B $16.20 are you sure and where from?
    4.5L Castrol Edge Sport 5w-30 $30 I can't buy it anywhere for that price anymore. Despite it has a minimum specs, it is not the oil Skoda would recommend for your Octavia. Skoda recommends and use Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W30 (VW504.00/507.00 oil)

    Are the above prices from the dealer (what they charged you after haggling)?
    Last edited by Transporter; 11-01-2011 at 03:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Will do.

    But first we have to clear up a few things:
    Is the brake fluid Skoda (VW) approved fluid or just the DOT4?
    Pollen Filter (Carbon Impregnated) 1k0819644B $16.20 are you sure and where from?
    4.5L Castrol Edge Sport 5w-30 $30 I can't buy it anywhere for that price anymore. Despite it has a minimum specs, it is not the oil Skoda would recommend for your Octavia. Skoda recommends and use Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W30 (VW504.00/507.00 oil)

    Are the above prices from the dealer (*what they charged you* after haggling)?

    We should get some Independent Skoda/VW specialists prices for the above services, but I'd suggest these prices not to be made to the last cent, instead they should allow some differences. The reason being nobody would update them every months or so. I believe in, that if you're quoted for service, the price should be within 20%.

    I run mobile mechanical workshop myself and know very well how hard it is to quote for 45,000km or 60,000km service. Especially, if you should make the price spot on for lets say 3-6 months.
    you posted the quote above & then deleted it. I have no idea why

    The prices I've posted are what it cost on the day the job was done. They are as relevant as any of the prices you have posted in other threads. I'm not about to start gazing into a crystal ball to see what the price is today or what it will be in 6 months time but they at least provide a guide for those that are wondering what the services actually cost.

    Yes, I negotiate prices with the dealer as I don't see any reason why I should pay $400 labour for a job that I know would take 2 hours for a slowcoach like me that hasn't worked commercially for 20 years. Interestingly, when i went to Camden GTI, I didn't question the price as I thought it fair & reasonable.

    I have no idea what type of brake fluid it was but the job was done at a franchised VW/Skoda dealer. Make your assumptions from there.

    Prices & part numbers were taken from my receipts.

    I can also advise that a Skoda dealer quoted me $29.16 each for spark plugs & $54.28 for a fuel filter.

    And for the umpteenth time: 502.00 is fine for QG0 & QG2 service intervals. The minimum spec for the 1.8TSI is infact 501.01. If you put your car in for service in the UK & it's QG0/QG2 they will use 502.00 oil. 504.00 is for QG1 but will provide an elevated level of protection should you choose to use it on QG0/QG2 service intervals.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  4. #4
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    The prices in the service stickie are only as a guide and it should be taken as such. Also I wouldn't make a stickie and quoting the lowest specs. requirement oil. The reason for it is in here.

    Further more there are already 15,000km and 30,000km service threads. My idea of that stickie is to give people realistic expectation what they will most likely pay.

    Not everybody can haggle or is ready to argue with the dealer. I believe that a lot of Skoda VAG owners are as enthusiastic about their cars as I am and like to have their car immaculately maintained and don't want a budget job with 502.00 oil and so on.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    The prices in the service stickie are only as a guide and it should be taken as such.
    So why does that make what i have posted invalid? Are they not also to be used as a guide?

    Also I wouldn't make a stickie and quoting the lowest specs. requirement oil. The reason for it is in here.
    I can't see the relevance of oil sludging in the old 5 valver compared to this model which is a different design. Even the article you point to says that VW is covering 100% of costs for those with a documented service schedule. ie: using the recomended oil at the recomended intervals.

    Further more there are already 15,000km and 30,000km service threads. My idea of that stickie is to give people realistic expectation what they will most likely pay.
    i'm not sure what you mean. The sticky contains 15,000km & 30,000km price estimates for the diesels but the thread title is generic, so I figured you'd want to show petrol services too.
    Not everybody can haggle or is ready to argue with the dealer. I believe that a lot of Skoda VAG owners are as enthusiastic about their cars as I am and like to have their car immaculately maintained and don't want a budget job with 502.00 oil and so on.
    People won't haggle unless they know they can do better elsewhere. That's why this forum had the MKVI buyers spreadsheet & why we ask each other what we paid. Most of the dealers will match prices when asked but the consumer needs the information in the first place.

    Lets face it, as a practicing automotive technician, you have a vested interest to keep prices elevated & to have the consumer use the most expensive parts/oil/etc.

    This is supposed to be a forum where we exchange information. How we use the information is up to the individual.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    So why does that make what i have posted invalid? Are they not also to be used as a guide?

    I can't see the relevance of oil sludging in the old 5 valver compared to this model which is a different design. Even the article you point to says that VW is covering 100% of costs for those with a documented service schedule. ie: using the recomended oil at the recomended intervals.

    i'm not sure what you mean. The sticky contains 15,000km & 30,000km price estimates for the diesels but the thread title is generic, so I figured you'd want to show petrol services too.

    People won't haggle unless they know they can do better elsewhere. That's why this forum had the MKVI buyers spreadsheet & why we ask each other what we paid. Most of the dealers will match prices when asked but the consumer needs the information in the first place.

    Lets face it, as a practicing automotive technician, you have a vested interest to keep prices elevated & to have the consumer use the most expensive parts/oil/etc.

    This is supposed to be a forum where we exchange information. How we use the information is up to the individual.
    I didn't say what your post was invalid, however $16.20 for the carbon impregnated cabin filter doesn't sound right to me.

    Relevance is in the oil, and in the engine design. It did happen, it was designed by automotive engineers at VW and serviced with the oils they recommended, so what makes you think it can't happen again. It wasn't the first he time for the sludge problem, was it?

    You didn't have to figure it out, the post was saying that TSI models were not much different. The difference is only in the oil filter and the fuel filter (and again the price for them is similar). As I said the prices were approximate.

    Not everybody on it this forum participate in these spreadsheets. I always preferred to pay a fair price and negotiate only up to the certain point or not at all. IMO people who haggle to the death just push the manufacturers (not just car manufacturers) and services too far and are directly responsible for our shops selling the products that are not fit for the purpose or have very limited service life.

    As an automotive technician I don’t want hagglers telling me what I suppose to charge for my services. Every business is entitled to make reasonable profit, don’t you think? Honestly, I don’t want to see the dealers using imported labour from the third world countries.

    I'm sure that when you will be selling your secondhand car, that you will want to get as much money as possible for it. Which makes you exactly the same as the business owner (dealer or car yard) that wants to get maximum profit for the services/ goods he/she is selling.

    As far as the posting the information in the public forum goes, I strongly disagree with you that it is up to the individual how he/she use the information from this forum. That’s why I will not put your information about what you and only you paid for the servicing of Octavia in the stickie.

    Feel free to use existing thread where the prices and informations are already posted.
    This thread is now closed
    Last edited by Transporter; 14-01-2011 at 07:54 AM.


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